Big Block I-4

Yeah, I’ve talked about this before and I’ll talk about this again.

I cannot figure out why the BoD of Tesla hasn’t put Musk out on his ass yet.” In the recent compensation lawsuit in Delaware, the judge ruled that the board was made up of Musk’s family and friends and was not independent.  I think this also answers your question.

The issue is that many oil producing countries have no other source of GDP. When oil prices decrease, the OPEC countries try to buoy the price by reducing supply. That doesn’t happen quick enough (there’s always a lag) and the oil producing countries that are the most dependent on oil revenue and the most unstable have

Long live the IS500

US is shutting down refineries because there isn’t enough demand. 2023 saw the highest US oil production in history. I don’t think the price of gas will be increasing significantly in the near future, unless we slap much higher gas taxes on it.

Pfff. Firing people is one of the ways companies show infinite growth. Shrinkage is Growth! War is Peace!

The embrace of fiscal discipline in the oil and gas industry is real (and should be after most of them spent the 2010's either in bankruptcy or trying to avoid it). Most companies have very little debt and operate at high levels of efficiency. So you’re right that ‘drill baby drill,’ with the capital outlays that

straight to escalation

I bet Polestar barely exists, if at all, in people’s minds. It’s a no-name brand that sells EVs that look like a generic box for $50k+. Good luck w/ that!

Total Cost of Ownership is more important than sticker price. In six years, this Polestar will be worth $10k or less, while the Accord hybrid will still be fetching high 20s. And the Accord will still be on the road in 2050, if you keep up with maintenance. Parts for the Polestar will be completely gone by 2035.

I could build a model where gas costs $10/gallon but it would require some odd collapses of infrastructure and political turmoil. (I could go ultra-nationalist and have the US stop exports of gas, but we’d still produce more than we consume!) 

Probably not, since it can’t be lowered manually on any other car I’m aware of with a power top. In the case of this one, I’d just leave the top down as it is and put the hardtop on/off depending on the weather. It’s so cheap that I wouldn’t even care. You could build some kind of wire/pulley rig in your garage to

Of course, if you wait until such a potent hurricane is upon you, the trees, power lines, and occasional roof in the road might slow you down some. As I’m sure you know, but am just mentioning for the record, the best use for a car in a hurricane warning is getting well out of its predicted path, or at least to a

the costs are never reasonable -thats the problem. insurance around anything motor vehicle related is crazy expensive. Thats why only the rich, or those who choose the racing life above all else can use race tracks. no mall, no actually owned bit of property could possible insure this kind of thing - it will never

Bubbles (Wires, not Trailer Park) and Johnny would grab these for sure.

Yeah it’s much easier to get approved on a new car, especially if that approval is through Mitsubishi. Having a full warranty is a big plus too if buying that car is already a stretch

Workers are not paid directly by the company during a temporary layoff. They are considered unemployed and are eligible to collect unemployment benefits (as long as they meet all other eligibility requirements, e.g. they don’t have another job)

You failed econ 101 didn’t you?

Using a fictional track side-steps several issues...

1) F1 doesn’t own any of the circuits. Using a real circuit would require a second licensing deal.