My wife’s cousin was talking about how her new to her Expedition saved her from an accident by stopping quickly. I didn’t even get into how a vehicle bigger than her previous one was actually more perilous when it comes to stopping distance.
My wife’s cousin was talking about how her new to her Expedition saved her from an accident by stopping quickly. I didn’t even get into how a vehicle bigger than her previous one was actually more perilous when it comes to stopping distance.
I may or may not know a thing about this, but #1 is wrong unless fuel mileage standards get rolled back.
Yep, I mean, I get it. It has happened to me with smaller purchases, so when you go to something this big/expensive, it is going to exist more prevalently.
An absolute terror on the track. I still have nightmares multiple times a week.
There are more than a few reasons why the Miata is a perennial track day favorite, but one of them sure isn’t pure power.
I would agree with that. Just like the E class AMG was never supposed to be a “track car” but was built to haul ass on the highway.
Hmm, I did not really know about the Ferrari 400 and 412. They come in convertible and manual with 4 seats, hmmmm.
It is early adaptors (or really anyone) wanting to be right about their decisions. Then when you go to something that costs this much, people really double down and don’t want to admit that something they bought isn’t really that great. Look at Tesla owners, especially early adopters for this in spades.
I just wish I could “add to cart”, a fun way to mess with my wife just a bit. Although she knows I wouldn’t buy a Hyundai.
I was going to go ND, but a quick look at BAT says this price is pretty much inline. Maybe just a touch over due to miles, but the E39 M5 is not a cheap purchase these days.
Ahh got ya, that makes sense. What is the reasoning behind not doing car loans? I guess just not dealing with them since they can be a pain, but I don’t know much on the banking side other than my bank has a shit savings interest rate so I don’t keep money there other than checking, which I should just switch. But…
Isn’t that what every fine is in the end?
Haha, you got me there!
Ehhh, when it is essentially industry standard, and you don’t do it making your product susceptible to misuse it is a kind of a gray area. I still don’t know how Hyundai and Kia haven’t gotten more shit for this though.
“Responding to these thefts has delayed officers from responding to other calls, increased costs to the city, and left many of our residents and visitors without vehicles. We also want a fair rental housing market where our residents can have safe, affordable housing without software influencing rent.”
Casinos baby!!!!
This sounds like me getting my daughter ready for kindergarten. Layers, layers layers...
That is also true, yet another reason this is a setup.
Sounds like a great way to make two people disappear and not have a ton of questions or answerers about it...