Big Block I-4

Oh man, that would be quite the interaction/convo that I would love to witness.

Never been to Amsterdam, but from a sat view, there looks to be a lot of waterways and a lot of boats. I can’t fathom how they can just say, “no more zero emission boats”. I guess I know where I can get some cheap boats, now I just need a bigger ship to ship all these ships!

Wow, I never even thought or looked at this. But the Prius Prime is right around 3mi/kWh and the Rav prime is around 2.3mi/kWh. Has to be something with the terrible weight/shape of the Wrangler, right?

Got ya, and good to know in case I need one.

Yea, I mean, that doesn’t solve a thing unless he has guaranteed value insurance.

How did an LC burn out the brakes already?

And the base GR Corolla starts at $36.5 kilobucks.

What credit union? I see 5.24% on a 36 month loan and under 5% on a new car. The place I got my last used car loan at 1.75% in 2016, LightStream, is up over 6% for a used car loan now, depending on term, up to 8%.

Up 18% YoY with huge financial incentives, yikes. That is not very good.

If they come out of Ch. 11 they will be so financially unviable. They already kneecapped their unprofitable only revenue center before BK. No way anyone is paying anything near MSRP after BK.

What? That isn’t even close to true. I own two cars that are absolutely not underwater. And some brands have better resale than others. Sure, maybe the first year on most new cars you will be, but it isn’t always underwater, lol.

Even with great credit, a used car loan is 7%+. You can get new car financing for less, but if you are looking used, you aren’t getting a great rate right now.

That would make more sense.

Oh yea, I forgot about that creative sales tactic! There have to be a few insane people that actually bought one though.

100%, I can see the ice walls from here!

Yep, and dealers (and dealer techs) love recall work, easy money. The Toyota dealers I knew from frame recall days would have good techs that could double stack frame recalls. Get paid 16 hours for 8 hours of work.

Yea, mortgage and most other loans all work the same. The minimum stays the same, no matter what you pay and the length stays the same. But if you pay more it just pays off principal. So even if I paid minimum, I would pay off sooner than term. That is how it was on our last car loan too.

Oh yea, I know that. Those first couple of year mortgage payments, just looking at the statement was not fun. But that is partly why I overpay a bit. I know technically it isn’t the “smart” financial decision but having my house half paid off in 9 years (higher if you use current value to unpaid principal) is nice.

Yep, all his movies were great. I was more commenting on the amount of insane stunts he did himself. I had to go watch some drunken master videos right after I saw this.

3rd gear: Did 3k people really buy a VinFast? Those people are insane!