@McMike: +1
@McMike: +1
@Nürburgring: Varsity Jalop: More than twice, actually.
@Madness87: Mmmm, tasty spoilers.
Nice price. That's probably the cleanest maverick I've ever seen, stock or not.
@ppiddy: But none of them are a really clean maverick.
@The Sentient Meat: Pics or it didn't happen.
@Inkiw: Seconded.
@kyzur: Starred troll's gonna troll.
@Banniker17: Yeah, but that would be totally ignoring the fact that the mind trick is just a suggestion. It only works on the weak minded.
@Laulau: The whole purpose is to not have the underwires used as a weapon against you should a prisoner get a hold on them.
@ChaoticInfinityX: Because of the N64 controller. Two shoulders and a z-trigger. Perhaps they felt obligated to keep it?
Who does a burnout in the middle of a turn anyways? That's like asking to spinout.
@87CapriceEstate rooting for the New York Liberty: "I'm sorry," or literally "I feel it."
@RickaMayCry: Those especially.
@cobrajoe: Except chargers were cop cars before the rest of your examples. This is just a refresh of the existing vehicle.
Not Old Snake; it's Big Boss, but old. Old Snake = Solid Snake, but old.
@Jim-Bob wants a B13 SE-R, but will settle for working air conditioning in his 352,000 mile Nissan Frontier.: Nah, they just shaped it like a rounder, smaller Yukon.
@fierrogt: It is a racecar.
Sounds like this guy is more into throttle oversteer, hence his switch to the ZR1.