Built For Contact!! YAY! That's SO much better than 'Needs A Little Work'
Built For Contact!! YAY! That's SO much better than 'Needs A Little Work'
Oh who gives a crap? If I was that rich, I'd probably be spoiled and not bothered with school or university either. Paris Hilton probably would be old news by now if people didn't give her attention, and I'm not just talking about Jimmy Kimmel? What was the point of posting this other than to let Jezebels slag her off…
@meanteeth: I'm not supposed to know this but someone I know has undergone partial reassignment surgery, that means that 'he' still has a vagina but considers himself to be a man and will not be having surgery to give him a penis. As liberal as I am, I do not understand this.
@greengrey (is not a star!): There are rumours circulating that Nadia Suleman is mentally unstable, besides why are they giving her a reality show?
I don't think she's wrong really. Women are portrayed negatively on reality television, Nadia Suleman probably shouldn't be given a reality show and what happened to Susan Boyle was cynical and patronising.
Maybe this was her experience at high school.
He's a kid.
@Gumbina80: I have never had an abortion myself, but I can only view it as a bad thing that shouldn't be entered into flippantly from seeing what terminations did to family members and friends.
He said, she said, she slept with my man, I hate you, blah blah blah bullcrap.
Watching this right now. He's treading a very fine line, verrrrry carefully and very well. Inspirational. Most Jezebel friendly is the section on women's issues about 40 minutes in.
@stacyinbean: Why is it of any consequence what you do/don't want to see on people? Avert your eyes if you're so offended, but you've got to see the madness in this um...madness. If someone told you that your outfit wasn't appropriate because they didn't want to see this, that, or the other I bet you'd be mightily…
@pebbleinknee: Totes. I don't even wear leggings as trousers and the constant LEGGINGS AREN'T PANTS! nonsense makes me want to. Let the lithe and young do what they want.
Ah, whatever. I'm sure that any custom/favour/gift in the catalogue will appeal to someone and make their day more special for them. Who am I to call them dumb?
Does it really matter what people you don't know wear (or don't wear) on their legs? Let the young people be.
Charlie Brooker is a comic writer. He writes in a wry, sardonic and sarcastic style and always has. When the smoking ban was brought in, he advocated the Government hiring a sniper to assassinate 10 smokers a week making people too scared to smoke (he said the same thing about London's Congestion Charge).
It's The View, there is no way that they could have discussed this in the manner it deserved to be discussed in so BW mentioned it with gravity and moved on. Good choice.
What does 'Bluffin with my Muffin' mean?
@apocalypse-nowish: I wouldn't go quite as far as that. Her first performance was lovely, this one wasn't quite as good, but it's hard to say so without it looking like bullying.
Whether it's for boys or for herself that much make up and the dress she's wearing in the second part of the clip are inappropriate for an eleven year old. Her dad is absolutely right, no eleven year old should be wearing make up to school (I'm surprised schools even allow it) and even if it's at home at the weekends…
@BiBiVirtue: Having just watched the clip, SB's performance was wobbly, notes missed, timing off, she only really got into it in the third verse and that wasn't all that great. And before anyone says anything, I sang that song in concerts and exams as a teen.