Seems like the moon...is over the castle
Seems like the moon...is over the castle
Ridge Racer on the psp was pretty fun...
I don't know about you guys, but i still can't play online, the city is always empty and i I join my friends session :C i can play any other games online on my ps3
I seriously can't stop looking at this gif
i never wasn't a multiplayer guy anyways, i was just curious to play like a couple hours...but screw this, gta v is a great solid singleplayer game
I really want to buy a 3ds to play again pokemon,its been like 10 years since i play a pokemon game lol
i might check out media mark thanks bro! ahaha (some portuguese folks here lool)
yeah i don't mind waiting as long the games are good and new not just simple a hd remake..., i just don't feel like re-playing the that I've already re-played like 5 times loool
Im talking about this one...
Im talking about this one...
oh man, i really wished i had already this game, but gta 5 here in Portugal cost about 69 euros ...like 90 dollars i guess , i never paid that much for a game lol
Looks good, but i still want a zelda looking like the tech demo :C
omg yes i was waiting for a translation <_<
here we go again....
always wonder how they do this glitches
actually ps1 game work on ps3 ...
So one thing i didn't get it... in order to transfer pokemons from black and black 2 i need pokebank?