Crazy Asian

Regardless of this situation, having DRM on single player games makes sense considering many PC gamers decide to only purchase games with multiplayer because in this day and age, most people consider games that have no multiplayer are not worth their money

Yuck, even I didn't drink Rolling Rock in college; and I've had my share of shitty cheap beers. But for the argument's, I'll agree with it.

My friend's mom also passed away on the 31st and the funeral is this Friday. Believable.

Neither. See the Rolling Rock? Has to be some kind of redneck dish.

All but the shitty console versions between Far Cry and Far Cry 2.

While the smoke and fire look pretty damn good, they also look like fancy 2d sprites. I couldn't see any real depth to them.

Confirmed. Steam's back up. Thanks.

Huh, I wasn't aware people still used xFire.

I can't remember if they call it the V or not, but there is the 3.6 ATS at least.

Extra funny points to it being on sale too.

I've been wanting to write about this place for some time. My girlfriend's dad took me there last summer when we visited him. I took a lot of pictures too. There's an amazing collection of cars there old and new and weird; cars that any Jalop could appreciate. The LARC out back was an amazing sight to see especially

Did an oil change on one the other day and oil spilled into the air filter box from inside the crankcase.

Probably to get more lift than air speed.

Doesn't surprise me. I can chirp the wheels in the first two gears in my mom's 5spd '01 rodeo.

Not sure if serious...

Oh shit. I literally laughed out loud.

False. She has super short hair now. No lawsuit for you.

MGS4 was just a huge plus for me. I bought my PS3 for MLB The Show and GT 5.

This COTD and AOTD just gunked up my zipper.

I want that so much more than the new Colorado now. Damn you. The small SUV market has all turned into crossovers.