
Really cool ideas and nice new features. I don't like how it looks exactly like the DS Lite. With a redesign, it's nice to have an actual redesign.

1080 pii sounds great. It would be amazing to have the next Wii compete with the other consoles graphically.

No Seven Cities of Gold? Where else would we have gotten a lesson in being ignorant colonists that destroyed cultures wherever they went?


He was definitely a crazy due from the get-go, but the media did give him enough coverage to fuel his ego. Media-created celebrities/villains is nothing new: Paris Hilton, Perez Hilton, etc.

Might have to check out bomberman blast.

The Wing Commander III intro was priceless. This is something that could have only existed in the 90's: crappy blue screen, 80's has-been actors, and great first attempts at low budget CGI. I've also always respected Mark Hamill for being willing to do silly acting jobs just because he thought they were interesting.

XBOX has it, no contest.

hilarious pic.

@Cagmin: If for no other reason than horrible grammar, I might have to check this game out.

I found a used copy of Skies of Arcadia Legends on the GC during the time that it was out of print and extremely "wanted." I paid $30, and it was worth every penny.

@Grumpz®: Yeah, this is just kind of stupid. I think the definition of "sad" has changed: the PS3 is hurting so bad for people to play their games that they have to pay homage to 21 year old Nintendo games in order to get people to notice.

I'm sticking with Firefox. It's like the DVD vs. Bluray change over: You know it's better, but it's not really worth the effort when you have such an established relationship that works well.

That's a hot pic.

It's great to see the series getting spruced up a bit. Plus, it's great to see the 3D games going away.

@jsmorley: The lack of official Tab Mix Plus support is really starting to annoy me. Granted, the beta works just fine. But it does bug me that Firefox tried to make up for Tab Mix Plus in 2.0, but it wasn't complete. Now in 3, it's just gone altogether.

I would have to say no to that, but it does sound like a fun toy.

It must be wonderful living in a country where anything can become an RPG...

Looks like a fun rental. The no 16:9 support is just ridiculous at this point. How hard can it be to slap it in there?

Just remember, wherever you are at in your lot in could be worse.