
Oh, and I did this at a leisurely pace while I bumbled around half a dozen other websites and search trails, 'cause I'm like that.

She was born in Syria. The sculpture is located in Curicó, unveiled in 2006.

Excellent comment, but I'm mostly replying to let you know that I've been staring at your icon for about a minute now. Where is that from? Did you make it?

But Luke: did you help fund it? Or, if not, are you thinking about doing so?

Have you tried the ballsagna?

I just got the Pikmin 2 Wii-release that finally came out in the US, and goddamn, it's better than I remembered. Now I can't friggin' wait for 3.

"it makes you a more intentional editor"

"practically none of the experts on the Soviet Union predicted its abrupt collapse"

More likely "Dunc." Which is sad. Wait! "Slam Dunc OJ!" Best name ever, after Riptide Hammersmith.

Always ready voice input (i use it to brainstorm for school essays and other stuff in Google Docs), Google Now, and Butter, which represents a big step in the right direction toward a speedier UI. Oh, and the Play market downloading only necessary code for updates. That's awesome.

Some excellent arguments here. Thanks for commenting.

I like what Nintendo is doing currently, BUT what I really want to see from Nintendo (especially NOA) is what other publishers are doing: taking risks with all-new IPs for the core gamer. I want Pikmin 3, yes, but I want the next Pikmin, as well. The next core IP. We didn't get any of that during this E3.

"Some flashlights actually have them." Yeah, flashlights have had multiple brightness levels for as long as I can remember. Weird. But you liked Quantum Conundrum?

Scrapeape, the guy who wants to make sound effects for your game project. We talk on gmail, as well. I saw that RPS gave the game a much more negative review. What do you think?

Saw you bought it on Steam. Lemme know how you like it. I might wait for XBLA just 'cause this is the perfect kinda game to play from my couch.

Mmm. I guess they did. I thought you might just be referring to "Playing that game with a mouse was just horrible."

I like the game, too, but I'm not sure it's "good" by any objective measure.

Lul, egg zack lee. "Different! Different! Kill it!"

Ugh, Maddog McCree, one of the first PC CD-Roms I got. Playing that game with a mouse was just horrible. I probably remember every stupid line from that game. "Uh, one more... important thing..."

I love it, which is why I've been afraid to continue playing it. *SPOILER* I just killed Pan, I know I'm close to the end.