
Oh yeah, better steer clear of that hyper-addictive LSD!

Oh! The New York Post! What an excellent source! What a single, excellent source. (ahem) Journalism!

Thanks, but hell naw. I'm a huge Zelda fan and I've logged a bunch of hours into Wii Motion Plus games, so I should be alright.

why wouldn't we just start discussing it here?

Shitty joke...

Wow, NOA must be PISSED at the shitty video crew they hired to get these interviews. What a wasted opportunity. Do your homework next time, Nintendo!

I think you meant "There's only ever been one diacetylmorphine, and they may only ever be one World of Warcraft."

Yeah, you probably have, but they're just a hell of a lot more subtle than Mario. Y'alls must live in WalMart country, huh?

I've got my own question: how old are you, that you've never heard a real Italian American accent?

The cover image has been my wallpaper for months now. Never actually beat the game, however.

He's counting to a tenth of a penny, like gas stations do.

I've never heard of Sacramento. Are you thinking of Sacramende?

Dude, Russian Unicorn is the best. But I like Morning Dew a lot, not because it's funny but because it's a good song.

Now playing

Dude, awesome, thanks for the link. Can't wait to crack it open. & I didn't mean to sound snooty about the Tribes album; that's just my own bias.

Yeah, that's not true at all re: the science community.

Sorry, but it will probably never come. We all need to be able to deal with life as it is now.

I haven't heard that yet. I'm trying to look up a mix for it now — I've never gotten a copy of "Grace" because A: I've always thought that if other elements should've been mixed into the tracks they'd already be there on the original album, and B: if I wanna listen to a noise/experimental/ambient group I'll go with a

I "read" Kafka of the Shore via and the three actors' performances were great. The plot sags a little bit in spots and the whole thing has that Japanese slowly-unfolding feel to it, but man it was good. If you've got any sort of commute, audiobooks are great in the car/bus/train, etc and don't interfere

"HBO is making The Dark Tower into a series ... This should be really good! For the first four seasons, until it turns to shit."

Maaaaan I loved "Kafka on the Shore". I "Read" it in audible form — the performances were great. Johnnie Walker was one of the creepiest characters I've ever read. I've got "Wind Up Bird Chronicle" but haven't started it yet. Have you? Did you like it? Which is your favorite of his?