
...and now we know you dress like a nerrrrd. (I'm wearing a calculator watch)

Weird that this article mentions Portal 2 and insomnia, because I just finished it last night and could not get to sleep afterward. I passed the time by watching old episodes of Conan and itching to shoot two portals on top of his desk and throw things through them.

My wife gets better as she gets drunker.

Not backwoods. frontwoods. Where the rich people hide.

The game engine is LITERALLY a piece of crap? Dude! That's Crazy!

This is no normal town.

I love Bangai-O, and this new installment is no exception. But the difficulty curve isn't a curve at all; it's a brick wall.

it's over 900.


+1 on that. I read reviews of things like cola and chewing gum before I buy them.


Yeah, but I played the ever-loving crap out of Chibi Robo. I never wanna see the interior of that house again.

Oh why did they never put out New Play Control Pikmin 2 in the U.S.?

But it's usually white people who call other white people "white trash". I know I do. A lot.

Mike Patton was in Portal? Which cores did he voice?

Wow. You suck. (I have never owned a Sony gaming product)

He's been Obamaing. That was the best episode evar, btw.

Oh, the mirth. I'm dyin' over here.


Lulz all around. Thanks for that.