Wow that's... DORK!
Wow that's... DORK!
Why not? Besides, ExciteBots had a lot of other things going against it that could be cited, including it's somewhat-forced "Saturday morning cartoon" look and feel. I'm not trying to imply any sort of 1:1 equivalence between the two games.
Out of children wedlock, eh? That's the wonderful state I'm in.
Looks kind of awesome... But ExciteBots has awesome racing and well-done online, and that didn't turn out well, sales-wise.
The names of the Ikea furniture? I thought Ikea made up Swedish-sounding gibberish for those.
I'm not sure if I trust the dudes who made scribblenauts to make a movement-centered game, but if it works, it'll be very interesting.
Ugh, and all this Zelda coverage has me salivating hard to play a new one.
How'd you like Other M, then? Because I was crazy about the Prime games, but couldn't care less about anything Metroid before them.
The worst part is that I end up finishing the wrong games, often because they're a breeze. Enslaved, for instance... I did not need to experience the last hour of that crappy game. That tacked on ending and sharp decrease in polish toward the end left me feeling really ripped off.
Dude! The exact same thing happened to me with Metroid Prime (the first one, right?) I think I would've 100%'d it, too, if I could actually beat that stupid boss! But nowadays you've got YouTube playthroughs to guide you— what are you waiting for?
Whatever. I want to see a major maturing of games, as well, but if that means the rejection of challenge and endlessly pressing X to Jason, you can count me out.
Aw mang, I suck too hard at mega man to make this happen. Got any video?
It's how nerdy vloggers compensate for their nerdy vloggerness.
No, it really doesn't. Good job testing out your new web design terms, though.
Aesop Rock?
Gotta say I agree with Will Wright, and I don't want to, because I don't like him. But come on — think of GTA games. Does the worth of the game really lie in the crappy cut scenes? No, it lies in the game world that allows you to do and experience things — crazy stunts and accidentally hilarious moments — worth…
Not on the NES. Not on the Wii either, in fact...
Awesome! Thanks to Kobun & scrapking for keeping the light on. I've downloaded a bunch of awesome indies over the last few months based on y'alls recommendations.
That doesn't make this any less stupid.
Not arguing with their decision, but it should be noted that Burnout Paradise's multiplayer does slow motion one-offs just fine.