
@laughplaylive: You were amazed that he had time to replay games. I was telling you my theory about why he does.

Why did the baddie he sliced in half exit stage left suddenly at the end of the video?

@dowingba: That's what I'm figuring my experience with Vanquish will be like. The thing is, I almost never replay games anymore, because too many good games are coming out all the time. :( I just started Sin & Punishment 2 and Mass Effect 2 this weekend — finally! that's how far behind I am.

@laughplaylive: Homie plays videogames (and writes about them) for a living.

@ddarkly: Kind of sounds like a beefed up roguelike. Isn't Baroque on the Wii a bit like this?

@Steezy McFresh: Naw homie, that's Mike (the author of the article) playing in the video.

Anarchy is a lot more comparable to direct democracy than... whatever this is.

@gigawings: Let me introduce you to the letter S.


@gordeaux: Yeah, I'm pretty far in — got past that big plant fight, I think. Gotta start it back up before my copy of Sin & Punishment 2 comes in — another (sorta) light gun game.

@gordeaux: I still haven't finished Extraction. I've got a ton of half-finished games, to be honest. I really bought Extraction to play through with friends, but none of my friends were enthused about playing a light gun game.

@The MSJ: That's awesome. They really are a smart bunch of commenters over there.

My personal GOTY was Castlevania: LoS. It was just a damn satisfying experience.

@wcmaxi: I kinda think Crecente is way more into FPSs than any other Genre. All the coverage Valve got in the early days of Kotaku... it was like the Valve blog.

@DocSeuss: All very true. I liked RDR, but at the end of the day, it was a stupid game with some beautiful vistas.

Brief History Of The First-Person Shooter Games That Dude Played.

This might be the first MMO I play (though I realize a lot of other things have to go right in its development.)

Give me a small, short, but meticulously designed experience any day. I'll take 1 Half Life 2:ep2 over 100 Read Dead Redemptions.