
@Letiumtide: See above. Also, almost every Nintendo product seems destined to fail — and many of them do. I thought the DS would die off quickly after launch (so I've been wrong before), but the DS and the Wii - in the right developer's hands - allow for higher fidelity controls. Everything I've seen about the

@taniquetil: The difference is that the Xbox worked, on a fundamental functional level. I'm not just talking about them entering a crowded market — they probably need to do some form of motion control. But this - just - isn't - it.

@amsci: God, I wish I could remember the incoherent quote he spews out when he sees everyone in their tuxedos.

I still can't believe they're really going through with it. All signs point to failure — and they seem to be blind to this fact.

That's nothin'. I've got... 7445.

@ShaughnTr0n: Wait, what??? How'd you find that out?

Anybody here play Travian? I'm just getting started. Today I had a resource field destroyed by an attacker for the first time. Not happy.

"The Cosby Show was a lie. Having a family can be the worst. For example, I have a strip club story from this weekend I need to tell you, Jackie D. It is disgusting. But I can’t because I got this little D-Bag here."

@Michael Dukakis: I think the only thing High Voltage does well is hype.

@p4w4rr10r: I try not to be an internet asshole, actually, but I loved the name GriefTroll. Griefers and Trolls are two of the most universally hated peoples known to Kotakuites. My xbox gamertag is GriefSpammer, so I've kept it alive.

@RedGiant17: Dead Space. The gameplay is so satisfying once you get a feel for it. If you're having trouble or it seems too hard, watch a little bit of a video walkthrough and check out how people handle combat, etc.

@p4w4rr10r: I got banned as scrapeape. Then I got banned as GriefTroll. So I figured Benevolence would keep me under the radar a bit better.

Any Travian players? I just got started. It's a good way to pass the time at werk.

@DeadlyWhispers: Hey, noticed your avatar and had to comment. How do you feel about them coming out as evangelicals?

@KevTehNev: That's awesome. I wanna design... something of use to anyone. :`(

@OtakuMan24: I don't get it, but I'm pretty sure it's not funny. :)

@spiderweb1986: Yoshie's cookie is fun, although the difficulty sort of stops ramping up after a few levels.