
Hey all, jumping in to say that we’ve done a large update to the post to make it more clear that Google Drive isn’t dying, and to clarify the nature of the switch to Backup & Sync. Sorry for the confusion, and thank you as always for keeping us on our toes.

Google Drive is not going anywhere - they’re updating the Windows/Mac apps.

Nothing on Amazon should be taken at face value anymore, especially Two-Day Prime shipping.

Prime items only. Always backed by the A-to-Z claim. Never worry about it.

If it doesn’t have a Prime tag on it, I will not buy it.

I’ve had to learn the hard way to only buy when the product is shipped by Amazon. Too many times I have had an order which was a little cheaper and not shipped from the Amazon warehouse. Care to guess the percentage of times that I was given a fake Tracking Number and the order never arrived? Not always but often

I think it is important to note here that the type of stroller you buy will also effect your work out - I’ve owned a variety of strollers (I do not drive a vehicle, and walking is my primary mode of transportation even with 3 kids!) and can tell you that as a general rule, you’ll get what you pay for - nothing

Counterpoint: Dressing nicely might score you a free upgrade (but very likely won’t), while dressing comfortably is a sure bet.

Working in the healthcare field I also had FMLA but who can afford to lose $$$ while living on a trainee salary? I took a few days not from FMLA but from vacation time. Wife would do stuff at night and I had to work extra night shifts during those days to come back home to take care of the baby in the morning. FMLA is

Step 1: Be a billionaire.

“glad i don’t live there today anymore.”

If your hardware store still has any, go list ‘em on markeplace real quick!

Sir, your logic and reasoning has no place here. Begone!

I’d take pizza because I feel less shitty eating 3 slices than I do eating 3 donuts. I want them both though.

My friend posted this article on FB and I did a deep dive on the research and basically came to the same conclusion for my own future kids: If there are no open cold sores and my child isn’t premature, I won’t make a huge deal out of grandparents, etc. getting some kisses in. (Yes, I have a child who is 8 months

No kidding. I don’t eat at my desk to look like I’m busy. Shit, even when I’m NOT taking lunch at my desk, I don’t look busy, so who am I fooling? I eat at my desk because there’s literally nowhere else to eat. I read while I eat, when I’m done, I kick back and keep reading until my lunch is over.

People like you are why we can’t have nice things....just read the damn article.

Matt’s Bar is on the list...

I’m a non-NYer, and glad of it. But I know how terrible it is to try to drive or take a cab pretty much anywhere in the city. My best friend lives and works in NYC, he rides a bike to and from work.

I don’t blame the governor. I blame the MTA and it’s lazy workers. Just look around when there is some work being done. They are either wasting time or just siting there. See it all the time and since they have a union to protect them there will never work as requiered and will just take their sweet damn time.