
This is my least favorite Yi cam. I’ve had it replaced 3 times I believe. In the end, I just gave up and dealt with it. Long story short - you can have it set facing a certain direction, which has the most ideal coverage. it will eventually end up facing a direction that is useless. I’m not sure this is by design, or

This is my least favorite Yi cam. I’ve had it replaced 3 times I believe. In the end, I just gave up and dealt with

will this work in an air-fryer?

Still a very good price for a 24 oz bag.

Still a very good price for a 24 oz bag.

i have subscription option but do not see a coupon to clip

i have subscription option but do not see a coupon to clip

Its the batteries. They last maybe a month. Contact them, they provide lifetime battery replacement (at least for me...). First time they only sent me one. The next one they sent me a pack of like 10. But yea, either way, trackr is terrible. 

Its the batteries. They last maybe a month. Contact them, they provide lifetime battery replacement (at least for

Are these even refurbished? It says “Used”. 

Are these even refurbished? It says “Used”. 

Sold out? Code doesnt work and no coupon to clip...

Sold out? Code doesnt work and no coupon to clip...

I see it on the subway in the city!!

Makes perfect sense, thanks. Not sure how I missed that. Was really confused all season how they could leave out such an important character of the series!

Is there a reason Emily wasn’t in this last season (other than the Finale), at all? Was it just a writer’s decision or did something go down that I completely missed?

But you still have to wait in line to order, which arguably is the longer wait.

I have used this and it does work and it really boils down to redirection. The hardest part is grabbing their attention when they are in full meltdown mode. My almost 3 yr old loves letters, numbers and shapes. So whenever he is crazy, I ask him to count to 20, or tell me how many sides a square has. Works about 75%

Thanks for the report, Captain Obvious.

In short, fame. Heck, Jed even admitted to it saying his initial intentions of coming on the show was to promote his career.

Says select item is excluded from discounts.

Says select item is excluded from discounts.

Thank you. I saw $51 million and was like, “thats it?”

probably sold out. dont see it either.

probably sold out. dont see it either.

I often feel like Im the only person who has never watched an episode of Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, and Walking Dead. Perhaps I am. Bueller?

The title should have been - How to Fit in when you dont watch Game of Thrones.

Ugh, not Prime, so - Estimated delivery: May 20 - June 5. Purchased anyway, because Kinja Deals told me to

Ugh, not Prime, so - Estimated delivery: May 20 - June 5. Purchased anyway, because Kinja Deals told me to