
Is that not more work than its worth? And i dont know about your toddler, but if i’m trying to change him while standing, well, he doesnt like to stand still for very long, so time is of a premium here.

At least he’s Khonsistent.

Cmon Starbucks! Nothing? First it was the restructuring of your rewards/star program. Then, you only allow a week to use your birthday reward. Last year, it became 3 days. This year? ONLY ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. Thanks for nothing, Starbucks!! </freeloader rant>

Sometimes, a coupon code helps. This is one of those times.

Sometimes, a coupon code helps. This is one of those times.

First thought is the shoes (since you mentioned it), which will lead to bad form. Try not to land on your heels. What I feel is happening is when you’re bringing the trail leg forward, you’re picking up your toes too far. If you land more on your midfoot/toes, then when you bring that leg forward, you’re not pointing

Assigning High-med-low across different categories doesnt really help you in deciding which one to tackle next. You need a more practicle way to digest the info. High - med- low needs to be translated into numbers, perhaps 5 - 3 - 1, respectively. So that way, when you add the numbers of, the task with the highest

I’ve had this for years and has been great. The advantage of this over something you control with your phone is the speed/convenience in which you can turn something off. I have this on a window fan and an old school “dumb AC (and no remote). On the nights where I go to sleep with either of those on, usually at some

I’ve had this for years and has been great. The advantage of this over something you control with your phone is the

Is this what we’re doing now? Refreshing the “classic systems, drumming up false demand, not producing many (creating more fake demand), and then selling it for $100?

Is this what we’re doing now? Refreshing the “classic systems, drumming up false demand, not producing many (creatin

I guess it depends on what time youre working out (and for how long?) and/or how disciplined you are in your nutrition. If you’re working out that regularly, and your diet sucks, then you’ll want to replenish what youre depleting. I ask what time because if its the last thing you do before shower and bed, well, again

I guess it depends on what time youre working out (and for how long?) and/or how disciplined you are in your

Came here for this and was not disappointed. Take a star.

its a better deal than $2400!

its a better deal than $2400!

We have a 23 month old, our first and only at the moment. Wife and I both work full time, Mon-Fri. She works in a school, so follows a school calendar which makes things much easier for us (maybe not for her...).

Thats what she said?

aaand unavailable

aaand unavailable

Yea, but that was more in reference to the fact that it states best experienced on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch using Safari on iOS 10 or later..., not like “first, head over to apple’s official website”. I know Im being nit picky, but for a “how-to piece, I feel like even the obvious should be made, well,

I feel like you’ve omitted the most obvious piece of info: (if using a browser) What is the URL? I mean its assumed that you probably just head to, a small mention of it would be nice.

Why on earth would anyone feel the need to comment on an article they are not interested in?

Oh, fine.

So say your choice is between increasing your 401K contribution vs. putting that money away (to build your cash reserves), which would you do, right now?

I hate you.

I hate you.