
The prices dont go down later in the season but the free gift is (arguably) better. Right after the school year starts they usually give a free printer (after rebate), an iPod and/or an iTunes gift card. Plus they have a lot of student software on sale (MS Office, etc).

That quote was kind of crazy to me too. You're making a movie about anthropomorphic transforming cars that fight each other and you don't want to go TOO sci-fi? This is why the Transformers movies are what they are...

Every time I read an article that talks about Kepler I get a little big headed. One of my internships was on its flight software team (even though the software I worked on was more visualization than flight).

I thought I was the only one who looked at it like this. Especially because David kept asking what if we don't find anything out. Also...sequel. Lol

The last act of Cowboy Bebop is hands down my favorite of any anime of all time ever. But Spike didn't die so it doesnt count ;)

A few things:

I thought I was the only one. I was sitting here thinking 'This CANT end well...'

Lol. Heres to using the HELL out of $8/month.

That actually happened to a friends dad. Hes a trucker but they said he used his unlimited roaming too much (Oh, the irony...) They ended up letting them get out of their contractw/no fee.


That would be freakin GREAT!

no Platos Stepchildren???

I've always been able to wake myself up at whatever time I want (barring extreme circumstances) with no alarm or anything just by reminding myself what time to wake up before I go to sleep. I do notice, though, that if I rely on something else to wake me up for any extended amount of time my 'alarm' gets thrown off.

Don't feel bad. I'm in the EXACT same boat. I've always liked sci-fi but don't have many friends that do so there's a lot I skipped/hadn't heard of. I just watched Alien & Aliens last week & finished Firefly and Serenity a few weeks ago. Hell...I haven't watched all of the Star seies yet. Netflix is my best friend

There was a Japanese Ninjas vs Aliens on Netflix. It was one of those movies so bad you couldn't stop watching. Lol

Lol. My bad. But you actually made me curious.

I think Java's a good way to go. Some things are a little easier/automated w/Java that aren't with C/C++, like garbage collection. Plus the syntaxes are pretty much the same so going from one to the other if you need isn't the hardest thing in the world.

Fixed that for you guys :)

The crash in Mad Men was a different crash.

I just looked it up because your question made me curious. The crash happened in Dec 60 and the 1st season of MM stopped in Nov 60.