thanks for the recommendation.
thanks for the recommendation.
it might be a hard sell for the consumer market but i think ms is doing the right thing going for business customers. engineering, restaurants and a lot of other industries could find great reasons to have one.
im not sure if its this exact tech or not but mcdonalds in asia us a touchscreen menu on the table for ordering. not sure if its all or just some but my friend was in a few places over there that did
Everyones sayin its gonna be about 7500. So i know they'll sell at least 2 (me & you). lol much? i NEED one of these in my house!!!
When you delete the attachments using the archiving method are they still on the server?
"So much for our dreams of dino domination."
Maybe you're broke...or cheap. Lol
This is kinda off topic but just a question/though experiment w/objects moving the speed of light:
I'm guessing the use of "current" is relativistic also. So "current X-ray emissions" = "the X-ray emissions we can currently see/detect"
From my understanding, you're right BUT when you're talking about scales like this you use relativistic time. So even though it happened long ago, the light/X-rays would have reached us during the Renaissance. So its taken for granted that when you say "Event A happened at Time A" you really mean "The light from Event…
Thats actually what I've started doing too. Catching up is easier when you have everything there with you already. Lol
i can def agree that it died in the 90s. thats when i stopped paying attention, after literally buying dozens of comics a month. im just now starting to get back into em. civil war was the 1st event i heard of that piqued my interest since then, followed by everything that went on w/the lanterns (blackest night,…
any openings? lol
this is the 2nd time this week lifehackers motivated me (and its IMPOSSIBLE for anyone but myself to do that). The first was this quotable that said PERSIST. I'm not at all unhappy w/my current job (computer programmer). I'm actually abt 85% happy. As long as I'm programming I'm happy. BUT I would prefer to be doing…
just read todays Morning Spoilers and they actually addressed the FF reboot. Gruffudd doesn't think that cast is gonna be used bc they haven't heard anything yet.
well u can be rough on a womans natural chemistry *insert kotex commercial here*
astroglides reason enough to give them funding. not that id know... *shifty eyes*
Yea. McKellen def played the hell out of Magneto in all the X-Men movies. Him and Stewart were def the saving graces of those movies. Jackman wasn't bad either.
He should (theoretically) be able to control anything, whether ferrous, metal or otherwise. With enough precision & concentration he could induce a field in anything. Once he has that he could apply just enough force to do exactly wtf ever he wants. It'd probably drain the hell out of him but in his prime (or if he…