
Looks like this predator needs to drug more men and steal their money to buy a better wardrobe.

MTV Studios has just announced that the much-beloved “Daria universe” has birthed a new spinoff

I’m sorry this guy was killed, but it was 100% on him. Heck, he said in a Facebook video that he wasn’t going to go quietly. If you ram your vehicle into the police and then jump out with your gun, then yes you are going to get shot. Congratulations on winning your Darwin Award. You do not mess with U.S. Marshalls.

Counterpoint, it is decently fun and accessible for free, has plentiful character customization (both visual and skills), weapons are very different, has a decent hunt roster of very different monsters, and hunts can easily be picked up and put down in 15 minute chunks without needing to overthink anything. Nobody is

I’m gonna laugh my ass off the first time one of these activists gets a pistol shoved in his gut and they pull the trigger.

I’m going to laugh even harder when they get off in court for a legitimate claim of self defense.  This isnt europe, motherfuckers.

Somehow i don’t expect quite the same take from Gawker when someone decides that Ilhan Oman deserves the same. On the other hand, if the Left is now ok with political violence, it’s probably time to send out a memo because the house cleaning is going to be spectacular

No, it was declared aggravated assault and I hope that she gets her 5 years in Prison. 

Studies show you’re wrong. Religious nuts are some of the most involved fathers:

Because we live in a culture that, in general, encourages not growing up.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to riff on the Sour Patch Kids branding for weed candy ought to be fired, re-hired, then fired again for being such a colossal moron.

Cool cool cool so first over on Splinter it was shaming single dad’s about Joe Walsh even though he’s speaking out against Trump and over here on Jezebel it’s shaming single dad’s some more about his Federal Reserve pick.  I guess all of you are rich too because $20k/month in child support to a wife who is perfectly

Onion Rings. (Beer Battered)

Also Acceptable: Beer

Or the best way to CONSUME is *not* smoking.

What a vile piece of shit this woman is

She’s from the bronx like warren is part native american. 

Please stop generalizing with your anecdotal evidence. There are so many responsible dads out there, myself included. I don’t think it’s the exception. Maybe you just hang around bad men?

This isn’t true and has been proven many times. The pay gap is about 95% which can easily be explained by factors like women working less, women are less likely to demand raises, women taking time off to raise children, etc.

Kindergarten definition? How about a biological definition? It can't be changed. Oops.

“People who call themselves transgender women are male,”

Get into reality, this guy is clearly a violent punk headed for a prison where he belongs. I’d never wear that hat but if he tried something like that on me I’d crush him like a bug.