
I like to refer to people by their biological sex.

They didn’t see M$ and go hey we need to copy that quick! They spend tons of money and plan it months if not years beforehand. Slow news day?

She’s not weird, cool or different; she did this because she’s dumb, just dumb.

You mean the heavily armed black panthers that are at the same site today? I guess they are not there for peace either huh?

My lingerie isn’t selling well so I have to be in the front and center to sell this crap. Bait and switch, made in china crap.

Nah, he’s saying everyone has *some* racism in them, he just has less than you.

“Roast” lol, Don Lemon is insufferable, he HAS to be secretly in love with Trump with so much obsession.

It was fake you dumb fuck, get out of the echo chamber and cure your TDS.

It was fake you dumb fuck, get out of the echo chamber and cure your TDS.

It was fake you dumb fuck, get out of the echo chamber and cure your TDS.

It was fake you dumb fuck, get out of the echo chamber and cure your TDS.

It was fake you dumb fuck, get out of the echo chamber and cure your TDS.

But she still was talking to me the next day, but she sent me a smile face text the next morning.

Consumers drive it, don’t want a cool single player game instead they will make a slot machine amusement park to sell shiny random boxes to people.

He wants 50/50 custody, why not? She only wants primary physical so she can move the child to where SHE wants and he would have no say. Legal custody is for schools, religion, surgery, etc.. Primary custody and more “time” with the kids over 50% and with her income means a BIG pay check for child support, which is

Why is she cultural appropriating our hair color?

Anything about the culture of not following the rules and staying the fuck inside?

Or throw it out along with your cypress hill blacklight poster like an adult and buy a vape, its 2020.

Or throw it out along with your cypress hill blacklight poster like an adult and buy a vape, its 2020.

Bye hate merchant, how long until Jezebel and The Root close up shop?

maybe white people are staying home and following directions and black people are not?