Going back to court next year to *hopefully* get 50/50 time with them finally, already have 50/50 legal/physical custody. Then I can get that CS order the fuck outta here too.
Going back to court next year to *hopefully* get 50/50 time with them finally, already have 50/50 legal/physical custody. Then I can get that CS order the fuck outta here too.
You can dislike the other parent and think they are a POS but they can be a competent parent, ALWAYS get 50/50 time, physical/legal custody (3 separate things) AND a schedule made. Get the kids according to the schedule and have fun with them, ignore the other parent only communicating when you NEED to like school,…
Yep but you CAN make comments so they come to the correct conclusion themselves. Example: What did you and mom do this weekend? Kids: nothing she was on her phone the whole time. Me: Oh you guys didn’t go to the park? Color? Play? Kids: No.... Me: Ok lets go play at the park, trampoline place, color, video games,…
Can’t you add a tablespoon or so of sugar to offset the acid in the sauce improving it quite a bit? I feel like there are little things you can do while heating up jar sauce to make it better.
Of course it’s not him, he only does that in the bed.
Lots of other people were fired for less before they could even apologize, it’s fine, just admit you idiots are hypocritical pieces of shit that protect your own from what you persecute others for and we can move on.
He does other stuff so his THREE black/brown face incidents don’t matter! LOL AND you idiots don’t see why you’re going to lose 2020, Trump also appointed tons of women for his admin and first openly gay ambassador to Germany, but ORANGE MAN BAD haha
HAHA and all the other ones that get fired right away? This one is different? Your bias is showing.
Lol so mad.
Organic =/= pesticide free and some are even worse than synthetic ones.
Sure keep your SJW bs out of the bill then.
Fun fact, you guys are following a child with Aspberger’s syndrome, fear mongered into believing the end of the world and have her in a hearing.
Who didn’t already know it was black gang members using a white guy to make money? That would be the only reason he was allowed around them.
at 25,000ft and can stop and rotate?
Tulare is ~20 mins away from me. Crazy to think “weed” is legal but people STILL have to go get their carts via the black market. ITS LEGAL, let some shops setup and sell legit carts and weed FFS. Also don’t ban “Flavors” that’s the dumbest shit ever too.
Meanwhile that’s called a weekend in Chicago.
Not smoke.
Remember when you idiots were all over Imgur and Reddit with those Joe Biden memes that made him out to be so cool and awesome like he DGAF and hes always joking around, what happened? oh.....