You don’t really know. It’s a serious risk with developers going Meta a lot these days.
You don’t really know. It’s a serious risk with developers going Meta a lot these days.
How cool would it be if the AI was just like, “Oh, you wanna play huh?” And you have the best game you’ve ever played. It starts duplicating the enemies and it’s AI within the program only and it’s just a complete blast. The AI adjusts perfectly to give you the satisfaction of killing and barely winning... Because…
With game makers becoming extra creative and extra meta, I can totally see this happening.
Well, perhaps kiss the camera? Upon researching your action it may find associations with positive emotions. Reaction to this action could be anything really.
That would be fun. I wonder if the AI would see your attempt as a way to deceive it. Or... Since it lives in the Universe and you control what the universe is and how it reacts. It may assume that this type of conversion happens regularly.
The first question would require a, “we don’t know what we are dealing with” type of answer. Therefore making the second question the tricky bit. Effectively the AI called a cease-fire, but that’s what I would do were I invading other systems. I’d stall the human, while making copies.
I think I’d start by unplugging the router, but I see your point.
There is a philosophy that once something is created, it can’t be uncreated. Given time, someone will recreate it out of curiosity. It would take a very noble person to invent the singularity. Stop it. And C:\DEL *.* or format. Then, never tell anyone how he did it. Or how to recreate it. And destroy all…
I’d say that it set itself up to be an unskipable cut scene during that time. Killing is an option immediately after the speech though.
Well, the question is like that one in Contact.
Lets ask ourselves a question.
Hit Human = “Keep Driving”
There is no dark side or light side of the force. It’s just the force. And some people are dicks.
True on the Scary Door. It only made it more unsettling in Alan Wakes creepy setting. I think the first time you see it, you have rushed into an abandoned shack and all hell is breaking loose... And I’m sitting there watching a black and white tv show. Says a lot about me.
It’s really cool if you take the time to get into it. But the most interesting part are the TV shows running in the background of the game.
Yeah, he’s in a rut for sure. Really needs like... a year off.
You know. Favorite companion. Donna Noble. He saves her from a life of mediocrity where almost all the rest are just wunderkinder already.
You know what... You are right. Master/Missy should escape. Like... Now. While sitting in jail I bet she/he has thought up some pretty crazy scenarios. Then again, how can you beat the Paradox machine?! I mean, Good Grief. Tingles down the spine. Wait, he did what?!
I’d carefully say it’s not... great. Is it better? Errr... I don’t know. For having an entire year off it should be amazing. But hey who knows? They might surprise us.