
these don't buy it now, wait for the new one articles are stupid. There will always be something new coming soon. If you want a laptop go buy the best you can afford, most of us cannot afford the latest and greatest anyway

There's no good clinical evidence that helmets and mouthguards prevent concussions.

the helo never landed that's a touch-and-go

"it's unclear whether the $35/month pricing is here to stay or just part of the pilot." ... then you really don't have a story do you. Why don't you come back and try again when you've finished your homework.

... and they get to collect interest on the tax money they collect until they have to turn it over to the government.

" looks a bit like an overgrown iPhone 3, don't you think? " yup - it's a rectangle, Apple's lawyers will be along shortly

Budweiser is not beer, beer is not made with rice. Drink a real beer, you will never go back.

free phones, really . . . apparently some people don't understand - the phone is never free - the cost of the phone is built into your plan. You bought it on the installment plan and will typically pay significantly more than the MSRP over a two year plan. On a three year plan they are raping your wallet. NOTHING is

those things are one face plant way from a law

". . . without causing any damage at all to its structure" the fact that it is no longer connected to the brain stem might be considered "damage", unless you have a transparent brain.

good - reduce, reuse, recycle

now that's real purty - lottery purty

maybe if the games were better they wouldn't have so much time for sex

put a bar on that island and I'm in

Very talented now go do your art on your own time. The whole wiping the stick with your fingers then sticking in my coffee thing, yeah, no way I'm paying for that dude.

I'm waiting for the GizPhone, because it would be . . . . . . an iPhone, never mind.

Most of the comments in this article are little better than uneducated guesses but . . . Giz-tards usually don't have anything complimentary to say about any phone that is more than six months old (unless it has Apple stamped on it). I found this article to be largely unsubstantiated except where it is misleading,

. . . first they "Take Over New York’s Subways" then the world.

last time I looked chickens did this pretty well all by themselves

. . . the only real difference between walkie-talkie and cell phone core technology is the cellular network. They are both two way radio devices.