
I just now put together your nick w/ your avatar, and I like it. And like both of those characters. But I’d submit that technically speaking, the Ron Swanson of Westeros is probably the unrelentingly masculine miserablist Randyll Tarly, while the Onion Knight of Pawnee is probably the drily pragmatic, relentlessly

And why shouldn’t they, its a terrific trailer. Damn the haters. ;)

It’s almost like it’s a cyclic, Wagnerian, family-drama in space that will be repetitive due to the very nature of Oedipal revolt at the core of it’s premise or something.


As an EY alum who was denied a promotion because I was pregnant, then laid off six months to the day after returning from maternity leave, this is the least surprising thing I have ever seen.

If you google Cher this is the top “news” story:

No, no, no.  Do not ask this thing questions.

Not to mention the framing of her look at the end of the film towards Finn taking care of the injured Rose, seemed a bit like a set-up of jealousy.

Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (better known as her pseudonym Posie Parker”

To a neo-fascist “conservative”, the Rojavans/SDF/Kurds are probably worse than ISIS*. The slogan of Rojava is “there is no revolution without women”. They are in many ways more progressive, egalitarian and secular than any western nation. Their existence proves that the patriarchal, autocratic and capitalistic

+1 American Exceptionalism which is currently +1.32 Canadian...

I would too. It’s like not enjoying Blazing Saddles, which features my favorite description of Trump-supporters:

Go fuck your cousin, Count Dracula...

Floyd’s Owner: I-I-I never thought I’d survive. I totally screwed the pooch here.

“Indian Territory”
lol, I see you’ve seen the “Indian Country” license plate of OK. I can’t see that license plate without thinking of the dumbest thing I heard in OK (possibly anywhere, jury is out).

As a further example of just how brain dead The OK can be on this front:

In a rest room on the job, I noticed an

Absolutely. I want to preface this by saying that I am a white, 28 year old male. You hit it right on the nose. I grew up and was raised in the deep south so I witnessed this type of passive racism any and every day. A young black woman with the vast majority of her life left to live killed by an impulsive and

Sorry to be all over the bag today, but OUR LIZ!

I’m a male in my 40's, very, very white, spent 20 years,working in a wealthy, largely white community while growing up and still living in a neighboring community that is mixed race and not nearly as wealthy and currently work a job where I still deal with people from all over the economic map. Sounds like this book

OR watch ONLY the second tape and imagine Titanic as an action movie with a romantic sub-plot!

Famously disappointed cruiseship passengers.