More like LaDouche PAC, amirite?
More like LaDouche PAC, amirite?
Honest to Christ I don’t know how he hasn’t dropped dead of a stroke or heart attack by now.
We’ve been warning, saying what was going to happen, and taking every action and word necessary to speak up against this administration and the people 45 was collecting in it. Its not enough. The Anti-fascists in Italy and Germany weren’t enough... and we won’t be either. But when we die fighting this, at least we’ll…
They stopped at a US taxpayer funded resort in Hermosillo to fill out applications for welfare checks and free healthcare so everything is in place when they arrive in Texas and get to rapin’ and pillagin’. A select few ‘nasty’ ones were also chosen to join MS-13 and will later be shuttled to midwestern cities by Beto…
Americans also seem to believe that, regardless of how shitty our leaders may be, there is some inherent quality present in the American character that prevents from ever being willing to go down the same road Germany did.
How the FUCK is this asshole ungrayed?
His blood isn’t being evenly distributed throughout his body. Hypocrite.
I personally think motivated reasoning is doing more of the heavy lifting than lack of education is right at the moment.
The damage that the belief in American exceptionalism has done abroad is huge. The damage it has done domestically is incalculable: the steadfast faith that it can’t happen here is fueled by many decades of propaganda shouting “keep the world safe for democracy!”.
Hey everybody - look at this stupid asshole right here!
Given the average American’s understanding of basic Civics concepts—or their understanding of the founding documents they swathe themselves in (having had to memorize the Preamble in eighth grade doesn’t count as having read the entirety of the founding documents, folks)—it follows that Trump’s using the “if the…
Worst “Dumb and Dumber” reboot ever.
This is all true - plus... you would need a whole squad of crack sharpshooters to be able to ‘wound’ someone in the leg. It is remarkably difficult to wound someone in the arm or leg - especially if they are running.
He couldn’t even get dogs, or bees, or dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark they shoot bees at you.
“Daywalking nosferatu” is now my second favorite descriptor for Giuliani.
Thanks to you, I now know that “Vampire Penguin” is a dessert. I will also now never be able to have that dessert, because you have made me associate it with Rudy “Pengula” Giulani. You monster.
and frothy-mouthed cable news fuck-up Rudy Giuliani