
Sears catalog.

a recording of his remarks passed along by an attendee.

La Quinta” is Spanish for “next to Denny’s”.

I’m going to synergize the shit out of this paradigm....

The most important lesson that should be drawn here is that the Dems need to move fast and keep moving. This administration, and Trump in particular, has shown repeatedly that they do not do well under pressure and make boneheaded mistakes when they rush things. If Pelosi et al. give them time to circle the wagons and

The insistence on tossing out the red herring of Biden and his son in every related story is getting tiresome. “Whataboutism” is the final redoubt of the terminally inept, and a few posters have been demonstrating the depths of their rhetorical ineptitude in spades over the last forty-eight hours or so.

“So what if

For the idiots on other threads: if this thing takes Biden down as well, hey, cool! People caught doing shady and/or illegal shit get what they get.

Yep! That’s the current counter-narrative. No, really. Daily Caller or some shit had a big BrEaKINg nEwS about it.... A letter from Judiciary Cmte to Ukraine asking them to answer questions to establish whether they were interfering with the Mueller investigation. Billed as “Democrats demanding that Ukraine

Michael Cohen told everyone exactly that, in so many words, and he even gave us the “code” to understanding the don’s wishes. Almost nobody (except Fox) needs an explanation about why an exact-worded quid pro quo isn’t needed.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

Oh, hey! Remember Jack “zip up” Burknman, known troll associate of troll king Jacob Wohl? He helped cook up that ridiculous attempt to spread false sexual assault allegations against Mueller? Well! Jack is back and trying to doxx the whistleblower.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

I cannot tell you, as a Social Studies teacher, how excited I am to teach this. 

This is Fucking Christmas...they ALL are implicated

A lot of it could have been solved if the imbecile had learned to read.

Instead, we have a used commercial kitchen sponge who thinks he knows everything.

First thing that came to mind when I heard he tried to call Nancy Pelosi and smooth it all over:

Big surprise: a person who was pampered, isolated, and catered to throughout their childhood, who has surrounded their self with Yes-Men for decades, who has an enter operation within the government to censor his newsfeed for only positive news has a skewed and crooked perspective of the world.

Plural of anecdote is not “data.”