Brandon Berrios

Not that easy, because I also love simplicity (I don't want I currently have, so I'm not so keen on leaving just yet.

I want to give up Yahoo so badly but I need the email address for professional uses, versus my Gmail which involves my favorite car company :-/

My apologies, I took your first sentence as sarcasm, and then misread the rest of your comment. I'm hostile on Monday mornings, don't mind me. Thanks for the research though!

What are you trying to prove? That there are limits to the hardware? If you've actually read a whole article you would know that they are generally positive about the idea. So like I said, there should be no "but Apple did it first and you said it sucked when they did it" argument here because they did not say it was

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm the biggest WP fanboy despite the fact that the only smartphone I've owned is the S3. I agree completely on the need to get rid of Bing integration. I hate how they push both Bing and Skydrive. And I'm pretty sure the apps are improving day by day. I just hope they come

Did you read any of the articles praising the scanner on the iPhone? I don't know what you're angry about...

Are you joking? Do you remember that you're talking about phones here? Do you remember when the S3 came out at 4.7" and the 4s was still at a tiny 3.5"? That's a "only" a 1.2" difference, but for phones that is HUGE. You can't compare it to TVs or anything like that, because increments of 1" for a phone are about

Should have bought from a US seller.

Thank you! I was trying to figure out what the fourth dimension was but you did it for me haha. So I wonder what the 11D projects are? O_O

... are you joking? CitiBike is run by CitiBank...

LOLOL special codec

I hope you aren't attempting to convey genuine concern...

Quad-post? Damn, new record!

So you're seriously comparing the 5c, the phone that was created to be a more affordable version of the 5s, to the 5s? How does that make any sense?

I thoroughly enjoy these articles, thank you very much. Kindly fuck off.

I thought I was the only one who thought of that lol. Good call.

Lol, I prefer my S3 over most Apple devices (minus the 5s, I actually think it's pretty nice), but I still found this pretty damn funny. Agreed XD

The whole loading Ubuntu with the drivers and blahblahblah made me cringe a bit. I would cry if someone put me through that (I hate finding drivers for random accessories at it is).

There was a Hallmark by my house that was going out of business and sold all their cards for $1 each (from the cheap money sleeve cards to the ones that talk and do your taxes). Needless to say, I stocked up for a few years. :D