
“Perhaps wackiness is the cure to superhero movie fatigue.”

The Flash had a lot of wackiness. Shazam 2 did, too.

And the thing is, BG3 is not particularly special or unrepeatable. This was the state of basically every “good” game in the 90s and early 2000s.

I guess on some level, I find it unpleasant to identify so proudly as a consumer/customer.”

It’s very much a “buyer beware” situation. Maybe I’m just too experienced but I instantly distrust AAA games as they need to make their money back somehow.

Hard disagree, tbh. BG3 absolutely should be used as a weapon, as it proves an incredibly specific point, which is that publicly traded, shareholder run companies are almost always the enemy of quality. The developers I’ve seen that are preemptively complaining are not wrong, in that players will expect more, and they

I’m honestly a little shocked at the straightforward admission that folks don’t care about the human beings who create the things they love.

It’s a very good way to keep yourself misinformed (if you care to know what’s causing the problems you hate in the games industry, listening to game devs is probably a good place

I get this argument, I really do, but it gives short-shrift to the simple fact that $70 is no small amount to the average person, who maybe doesn’t want to feel the phantom hand of a publisher reaching into their pocket for more money every ten minutes.

dollar store Steve Guttenberg”

The unedited quote is attributed to Miyamoto.

Complicit with murder, torture and misogyny...”

Anyone, individual or corporate, doing business with Saudi Arabia under the current regime should be ashamed of themselves. Complicit with murder, torture and misogyny, KSA represents one of the worst of human societies.

I wonder what else you think ‘unsustainable’ could mean in the context of a commercial product? Of course it means from the standpoint of profitability. “Continuing on the same path is unsustainable, because we will run of out of ..... socks?”

Realistically, why would they do that?

Difference being, Pokemon games are solely about printing money. They already build hype, and polishing doesn’t matter when sales always go through the roof.

It's like how fascists constantly use strongman imagery like the Death Star and Thanos because they think those guys were the heroes and forgot both were ultimately defeated.

It almost does! A few owning all the capital = very, very demonstrably terrible for the working class and underclass, and also the environment and human rights.

You’re one to talk — you’re not only engaging in the time-honored capitalist propagandistic tradition of lying about history to make it seem like everything is capitalism, you’re insisting that everyone who doesn’t follow exactly your lies about history is just ignorant and doesn’t really understand the true meaning

Capitalism is a religion. So’s fascism.