
It takes more than a good screenplay to make a good film.

Margot Robbie’s an exceptional actress. The only obstacle to her is competing against someone who puts out a better PERFORMANCE in any given year. You can’t predict literally any of these things. It’s why it took Leonardo DiCaprio 35 years worth of movies to get his first.

And this is why you don’t let Microsoft buy billions of dollars worth of competition.

I LOVED Law & Order growing up. Watched every single episode of the original run. It’s copaganda. DAs are cops. (Recall that the reason Kalief Browder was in jail for three years without trial and was so brain broken by solitary confinement he hung himself was a series of corrupt DAs and ADAs terrified of hurting

I literally did the same thing, LOL, and it will probably not stop happening

Okay, Boomer.

She’s got the EGOT.

The monologue should never have gone to Robbie because Robbie is playing a projection of America Ferrera’s angst.

Ryan Gosling got nominated for the same award America Ferrera did.

while Barbie makes a generous meal out of the crumbs of a toy doll.

The Last of Us Part II is more than twice the length of the the first game. So it seems just as likely he just almost directly adapts the game and splits it at the Abby part or intersects them and then splits halfway through both sections.

Law and Order was just a way for an old reactionary white guy to make cops look good at a time in the late 90's when people were slowly becoming aware that the NYPD was a criminal organization (again... because Serpico and every other movie about corrupt New York cops and all that).

I always get a bemused look when people tell me there’s nothing on Netflix and then each month they add 15 original complete series to the roster that they aren’t ever going to remove.

It is weird when people attack Netflix for not adding value to the service when they’re one of the few streaming services that isn’t removing their content.

Dude was the original “cancel” because he thought making fun of Asian people was the best counter to white people being racist against Native Americans. He had to get out of that box because white people kept telling him his political acumen was beyond reproach and he had, likewise, surrounded himself with nothing but

Jon Stewart paradoxically is a better political animal and advocate than he was when he was alternating between limp-lipped calls for sanity, fanboying Obama uncritically, and pissing off his co-hosts with awkwardly racist impersonations of Herman Caine.

Patissieres work in Patisseries.

They’ve canceled *almost* all of their shows after three seasons, so YMMV. They’re definitely pinching pennies and I’m pretty sure AppleTV+ is being imagined as a perpetual loss leader packaged with peoples’ phone bills.

There’s a lot of messy racial politics reasons.

Dude is saying, “Stop whining about intimacy coordinators, you weirdos, they’re there to protect you, too.”