
“I do not support striking, I don’t. I think that it is a reductive negotiating tactic and I find the entire thing incredibly frustrating.”

Batman is a bleeding heart liberal and card-carrying member of the ACLU. CW’s Green Arrow was a serial killer.

People aren’t arguing about whether Viola Davis or Sarah Silverman are wrong or right on what should be or should not be allowed during a stirke. They’re criticizing Stephen Amell saying “Strikes are bad, m’kay.” Because striking is the most powerful, if not the only, tool that labor has against ownership. And he’s

I was following Feminist Frequency weekly/bi-weekly up until a few months ago. You could see the threads and workload starting to reach its peak. Kat Spada was brought in as co-host of the podcast last year and she’s been doing a lot of heavy lifting, so it should be able to keep going for a while.

Why is “wanna-be” in front of the fascist? Fascism is an ideology, not a club you apply to. DeSantis is an actual fascist.

DeSantis wouldn’t even be the one debating. He’s trying to goad Harris to lower herself to the level of his goon and elevate his own status to the national stage. Honestly, the amount of head-flapping chirpiness the world would be subjected to as DeSantis tried to spin his way out of a white hood would be too much for

Kind of annoyed that First Person Adventure games got rebranded “Walking Sim” to be honest. If you had a frozen screen to navigate it would just be a Point-And-Click Adventure game. But the moment you can move in 3-D it’s a Walking Sim...

MTV learned that it can milk the same reality stars for 20 years.

TFW nigh-useless capitalism golems actually make a fair fucking point...

Reminder: absolutely no one in the US military leadership thought the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were justified, the War Department’s own US Strategic Bombing Survey in 1946 thought it was not only pointless but that no invasion or blockade would have even been necessary, and July 12th of that year Truman wrote

Don’t negotiate with bigots. Either you get more bigotry or you’ve wasted time arguing with bigots.

Apparently WB forced Gerwig to put in a reference to it, and didn’t pay attention to what the reference was.

Ali Selim is 63 years old and has directed hundreds of commercials and several films and won several awards. What he’s saying is what a director would say, not what people who don’t know his job want him to say.

I just think back to Grant Morrison’s career as an artist and when he stopped drawing comics with a knowing, “Okay. Now the fun begins.”

Editorial just can’t figure out that a world that hates and fears mutants is going to hate and fear mutants even if there are millions of them. Grant Morrison nailed this dynamic perfectly post-Genosha genocide. Mutants entered the zeitgeist, they got humans who loved and hated them, politicians treated them like

The metaphor doesn’t really work if infighting destroys the mutants. What destroys minority groups is rarely a lack of solidarity, it’s primarily the oppressive organizational power of the majority. 90% of hate crimes against Asians, Latinos, and African-Americans are committed by white people, not other minorities.

So now we get “From the creators of Atlanta comes... Lando.”

And followed it with the worst point.

This is what happens when you thingify an economy out of being an economy.

Not just the GOP. Remember the Democratic Senate hearings on the CIA use of torture?