Baxter Gill

You know, Cadillac is supposed to be looking for a new flagship- Why not an R8 competitor? It could be a mid-engined corvette, but with it's straightedge styling, and a different badge, a higher price could be charged to cover some of the development costs.

Nah, that's only for ACs.

well, it's also a historic throwback to the 6.3 liter V8 of old- a huge hulking bruit that was put into the 600 limousine, and later shoved into the first ever AMG- the Red Sow.

It's the fact that they're fake covers that bothers me- just like the IS-F.


It certainly has looks that are hard to digest, but drive one.

I agree- definitely a try-hard car.

Yeah, I really liked the one I drove. It's sportier than a fiesta, even with the base engine- and I'd say, quite an attractive little car.

I don't think any one automaker should do it; The Nurburgring is used by everyone, and should continue to be used by everyone. Otherwise, we could have a situation like Koeniggsegg does trying to top-speed test against Bugatti- Volkswagen won't allow serious contenders to use their track.

wouldn't you put the car in Neutral in order to do this?

I think you;d have to upsize the engine in order to push a 1.7 ton vehicle at 50 mph-ish, and to run all the power steering, brakes, etc.

also worth pointing out, they plug the cars by using one to tow a bendy-bus RV thing off a cliff.

sometimes wetter means hotter....

thank you- This is as inspiring to the aspiring as ever it could be.

all that devil worship AC/DC no doubt influenced how he conducted himself.

I hope this BMW-Toyota Partnership isn't going to end BMW's independence...