Try not to get bent out of shape from a hacker wasting 10 minutes of you time like it’s so damn precious. Just a thought.
Try not to get bent out of shape from a hacker wasting 10 minutes of you time like it’s so damn precious. Just a thought.
Hackers are never ever going away. The sooner everyone can accept that the better. There is nothing Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft can do. It’s the way things are. plus when ever companies do come up with proper countermeasures ever pisses and moans about DRM like it’s the absolute most evil thing since Hitler. So not…
Nice Canadian Highlander mention! I will one up and say that if anyone wants a really good recurring podcast about Canadian Highlander, check out North 100:
I can’t imagine how Sacha Baron Cohen was able to pass himself off as a 12 year old girl.
You can hope for anything you want princess. Enjoy your fantasy.
lol overnight... everyone has been wanting cross play since online play was made available.
That part of this whole thing is 100% bullshit, and something does need to be done about it, but that’s more down to cross-save than cross-play.
I think the story of a deaf white man who beats up non-whites for the crime of loitering without ordering chow will find appeal with American audiences. Truly a game for the year 2018.
Ah, Fire Emblem Fates. Man, was that a scattershot of a game. Here’s hoping the next new FE game is more like Awakening.
So are we going to un-grey all of these legit comments, or not?
checking in to see if they approved any honest comments. smh. more like opacity. for shame discount tire, for shame.
Every flat earther stems from a round world.
all multiplats look and run better on it then PS4 too.
The developer has actually gone on record multiple times claimings it’s a AAA game
An abortion.
I don’t see how it’s classist. In context she was talking about how colorism works. For background, though you may perceive Cardi to be black, Cardi herself hasn’t claimed blackness until recently and when it’s convenient to her, and actually has a history of trash talking dark skinned black women. Azelia was saying…
But you’re not going to get one, so this is a waste of time and energy.
This looks very groundbreaking. I am soooo going to watch, and shared with all of my Latinx professional and social groups.
Because those aren’t children. Go back to Facebook.