
Promoting another low-content, mobile model - just like everyone got suckered in by popular gaming sites with Destiny. Popular sites are the reason companies continue to aggressively abuse consumers. Ok for you, then it must be ok for avarice execs in this Shareholders Economy. But hey, billions cannot suddenly cover

It’s kind of tragic, because the core of this game is so close to being great. Sailing with friends is a blast and the aesthetic of the whole thing is gorgeous, but in it’s current state it barely feels like a minimal viable product.

I don’t understand why Jezebel writers obsessions with this disgusting transphobic, homophobic, toxic peice of trash.

This game is going to sink straight to Davey’s Jones locker once people realize the customization and progression is limited cosmetics, quest and combat are shallow and repetitive, and the enemy pool is between sharks and skeletons.

So a port, a port, a port, another port, a port of an older game and some other port. All of them are probably also going to be more expensive than on other plarforms that have consistent and appealing sales.

It’s funny how a lot of the people here think I am defending him (I’m not) and also think I support child pornography (I don’t either)

Load up the Coral Highlands and tell me they can match that same visual fidelity on Switch, with no major compromises.

Fastest selling isn’t the most dominant, fan boy.
I know you all are quick to forget PS4 is the most dominant console right now, but it’s not even exclusive either, that gives even more console options and figures than it being a Nintendo exclusive with downgraded features.
And yes, when Nintendo fan boys argue about

It’s certainly no Simple & Clean or Sanctuary. They were amazing. But maybe with a good opening sequence like in 1 and 2 it’ll click for me.

No doubt. At least some people are willing to risk similar bans to bring us scenes of The Division reminiscent of that first time it was shown off.

There’s rumors that Baron may actually have a learning disability. I think the only truly smart one is Tiffany. Smart, because she avoids the rest of the family.

She’s white. She’s gonna be alright.

It must be nice to have the power to fire the system prosecuting you, when you’re in trouble.

What they mean is that they’ll be shifting the balance from your bank account to theirs.

Luckily there are enough of us who like fan service and will vote with our wallets so they keep making games exactly like this.

The NYT video is heart-wrenching. The mentally ill are often the invisible victims of any tragedy, and I’m grateful someone is shining a light on this issue. A suicide prevention hotline staffed with 12 people for an entire island, and the staff were also impacted by Maria. These are brave, good people. They also make

next morning on FOX and Friends: “Isn’t being a traitor actually being a patriot since the Hillary-Obama muslim lesbian shadow state took over the country? I’m just sayin’, folks...”

Aladdin will not just be a pick pocket he will also sell drugs and be murder for hire.

Can’t tell if you mean the films or asking if I’m Gay.

The boy from internet tv.