
It’s actually better... in January the PS4 revealed it has an average Software Attach Rate of 7.5 games per console making it the highest attach rate ever outpacing the PS2.

So this is how the “Console Wars as horse race” narrative is going to keep playing out, eh? The lead horse has jumped the fence and is now trampling spectators, but the writers can’t stop obsessing over the 2nd place horse’s split times.

it came out in the 90s Tommy Hilfiger was huge in the nineties if you weren’t alive or old enough to know that in the nineties you wouldn’t understand it was the top brand in the 90s next to Nautica Fila vans jnco jeans Fubu judging someone on a 20 year old clothing style that’s really cool

there are so many good ones missing from this list.

Gee, Bluetooth is hackable? But how am I supposed to enjoy music thru my headphones? Actually use a 3.5 mm jack like poor people do?

The name for that color is staring us right in the face:

They also positioned Barron directly behind the senator so Trump could safely call out “Boy” in Scott’s general direction.

This is...definitely not the first thing I wanted updated about the phone app. Haven’t even touched the voice chat option since realizing that it only works in private lobbies.


So Trump’s version of kicking “bad guys” out of the country is to remove protections for dreamers who contributed 2 billion annually in taxes, have an employment rate of 91%, and have no criminal record?

Have you used the Mercedeses that watch your face? They have to have had them for at least 4 years or so.

“While the facilities are ordered to be closed by September 2, the U.S. is not expelling any Russian personnel. Russians who work at the posts are allowed to be reassigned to other diplomatic or consular locations within the U.S.”

UK Update:

Someone has to draw all the stuff people dump their “free time” over.

Because the current knock against Xbox is the lack of truly exclusive content.

“Invisibility is for social outcasts and perverts.”

The thing people forget is how quickly it gets really cold above ground level.

I think we all need to see what side Marina picks before we going around making hasty choices.