

I ended up buying from five sellers on Bricklink. I heard the Lego store can take a bit to send stuff out.

A guy who looks like his skull is exploding out of his skin feels a job in the Trump administration is too ugly and messy? Seems legit.

Arrested Development is a near perfect analogy for at least part of President* Trump’s family.

As a Texas resident I can tell you that Texans like the NFL more than they like Abbott. Most Texas folk would blow RuPaul to see the Cowboys play on Sundays.

i think most of these people here drive 91 civic EF hatches, and live in the apartment complexes that “accept those with criminal records” and therefore have no concept of HOAs, or property values, or net worth.

This does not bode well for the meeting that followed. Trump will be announcing the second wall that Canada will be paying for later this afternoon.

guess what? they end up in the foster care system, which in itself is a really huge ethical, moral issue, but COSTS HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to care for them and puts a strain on the already overwhelmed foster care system.

I believe, according to the order, they are detained as well. It’s really just so f**ked up beyond any comprehension. If you read the executive order, it actually gets worse. They plan on detaining these people, criminal background or not, in an undisclosed area of the West Texas Desert.

You lit those strawmen the fuck up. Bravo, sir.

Archie’s off falling in love with his music teacher Miss Grundy, who is no longer sporting a grey bun but is considerably younger and hotter.

what if I just have an occasional meth habit?

at which point Waring’s girlfriend yelled to Aponte that there was a gun in the truck, in an effort to scare Aponte away.

Im not pro trump, but I’m going to buy so much Ralph Lauren today, my purchases will be Uge.

He recognises Trump is a problem. But, as an aside, he’s pointing out that this question isn’t directly relevant to him, and that’s true. Lots of American celebs live and work part of the time in the UK — wouldn’t it seem bizarre if a British paper asked them what action they were going to take against the government?

I’m at work so I can’t watch through the videos, but can somebody please explain to me what the “Power Up Kit” is?

Meh. Bring back K9999 in this thing, then we’ll talk, SNK.

Does anyone else wonder how a 25 year old woman gets “inside” information?