fuck that bitch
fuck that bitch
i straight up feel retarded when this happens i have to go out of my way to jump on the edges of shit to go up a level
i dont think its too much to ask for the game not to crash every 30 minutes on my fucking ps5 jesus christ fuck this game i want to enjoy it so badly but i just cant
nigga shut up
Im "playing" on a ps5 its not any better
fallout 76 was laggy as shit when it came out, cyberpunk crashes on my ps5 every hour atleast once theres a difference
fuck this bitch
for people who need to hide messages, cheating spouses etc
its pointless bringing logic to these guys they’ll just claim you’re a bootlicker and are shilling for nintendo
i mean when the smash community is chock full of pedophiles its ya know probably for the best
how about instead lets hire the best people for those positions not some just some token hires
runs like dogshit
super impressed? runs like dogshit in handheld mode you got to be shitting me
imagine actually writing up this shit article and posting it
demon slayer is really good the anime is superb the manga is fine but the anime really shines
most yes AAA atleast i may not finish most but i purchase basically anything new
no one cares faggot
nope i like hp and i hate mentally disturbed people
bunch of crying faggots
mexican here, I have a bigger issue with the use of the term “latinx”