Bastion, please

Can't see comments.

Can't see comments.

This is the fourth article I have clicked on and the first I can see the comments on.

Can't see comments.

Can't see comments.

Cant see comments.

Well, I'm not too fond of your province at the moment, though individual politicians are ok, and I am really impressed by the Stop the Pipeline people, who have soooo many more balls than your average bear and legal precedent - it's the native landclaims that are going to fix this whole mess, IMHO.

Toronto and/or

Ding ding ding ding.

Sigh... everyone likes to hate Ontario.

I'm re-posting this from below, because the hate in this chain really got me. Guys - American, Canadian, whatever - this weather is not normal.

Um... to all the Alberta people posting here, all "oh blame Ontario for everything you like, he is smelly, tra la la" like cute little terrifying schoolyard children? Unlike Alberta, we're not accelerating climate change by ripping the Tar Sands into unprocessed goo and greenhouse gasses, selling it below its worth,

What. This movie... exists?!?

Dude, that was exactly me. EXACTLY.

The thing about these boys? The Larry fandom (the people of the internet who ship the secret love of Harry and Louis) is rabid and CERTAIN that their management is very much in control of their public image, to the point that Louis has a fake girlfriend and Harry and Louis are no longer allowed to stand together,

Then you are a sapiosexual. New word day!

Oh man. That public perception relationship stuff is the WORST. I almost broke up with my boyfriend because he posted a link to a DIY BDSM thing with a lascivious message on my facebook wall, where I did not notice it for 5 days... but I had been receiving some really creepy messages from a really creepy guy, and now

The link to her site is broken, heads up. I really want to see those photos!

Harry Styles... is not interested in Rosie. If you want to fall down an internet hole reading about THE GREATEST LOVE STORY OF OUR TIME please check out these tumblrs:

I also had many male friends and spent a lot of time alone and inebriated with them. These boys were always respectful and lovely, like brothers, even though there was some sexual tension (we were teenagers, I was cute, they were sorta awkward with most other girls until our late teens... which meant I had the honor

Totally unexpectedly... This just made me cry. I have a half-brother that I met when I was 16, and I am so lucky to have him. This is an amazing concept. It's about what unites us, it's about love, it's about the things that make us who we are. It's about the nature of family, the need to connect, the powerful desire