
I’m still holding on for Marty. :)

Because Ned the honorable never thought to spare his nephew’s painful upbringing by actually being honest with his wife.

If you read through the thread, I said I actually think it’s the name of two different stores that merged, I just always thought of it in a “the South will rise again” way growing up.

That is some Charlie’s Angels era fighting choreography right there. Seems so slooooooow now.

An accusation I’m all too familiar with.

I think it technically might be the names of two stores that merged. But that’s how I’ve always thought about it.

I agree the phrasing wasn’t reported accurately here. That said, I personally feel people who value states rights/fear federal overreach more than they value the human rights of an enslaved people aren’t too far off from how Jez is characterizing them here. They might not be saying yes to the question “Do you think we

We do still have grocery stores here called Winn Dixie.

I just posted something along the same lines. Being from the South, I grew up hearing the good ol’ “We’re not racist, we just believe in state’s rights” line from everyone, whether they be crazy uncle or history teacher.

What’s infuriating is that if/when challenged, these people will surely turn around and say they’re not racist, they just support state’s rights. A frequent refrain in the South, I’m sad to say.

Think Kim does her own vacuuming?

Guessing you’re referring to the power sander to the DEA agent’s face? Yeah, that’s around the time I kind of checked out too. I mean I still watched it all the way through, but when I go back and watch re-runs I pretend it ended with season 3.

Ugh, Nate. You broke my heart. I still can’t forgive his arc at the very end. :(

Leave my spirit animal Kristen Schaal alone!

Funny, that’s where my mind usually goes straight away, but something about the wording makes me think he’s like a guy she hits with her car while on her cell phone or something, and he comes back as her guardian angel/guide/perpetual guilt trip.

Sadly, Donald Trump will outlive us all. The damned can do that.

I think this articulates why his death has hit me so hard. He wasn’t mortal. He was larger than life. He wasn’t supposed to die.

Now playing

It’s been making the rounds for a while now so you’ve probably seen it, but to your point:

This meme just gave me life.

He’s so floppy! Or Wave-y? Kind of like the real-life and cuter version of the scrubbing bubbles guys. Whatever it is I’m in love.