Barry Land

knowing there were many talented youths only breaks my heart even more. I cannot even imagine what they had to go through and what their families are going to face. i am a grown man but this makes me want to cry. my heart goes to everyone who lost their lives.

they will be. it’ll be used as a means of making this about privatization.

This incident will 100% be politicized and will be Exhibit’s A though Z on the current Administration’s case to gut and privatize ATC.  Just wait, that is 100% coming.

Thank God President Passenger Princess felt the need to chime in with a conspiracy theory.

He’s a savage lunatic and goddamn the assholes that voted him in.

But non-political government agencies like the FAA definitely need to have their budgets cut, right?

I was reading his statement and trying to imagine how he could have said “May god bless their souls” in a way that didn’t sound like he was reading those words for the first time in his life. 

Probably unrelated:

You joke, but literally a week ago Trump gutted a key airline safety committee.

DEI hire in Reagan ATC for sure. Or maybe the helicopter pilot’s second cousin is trans. Or maybe this is why we should re-designate them Sikorsky “White-Hawks.”

But seriously, this is horrible. My heart is with all the victims and their families. Accidents happen and that doesn’t make it okay, but the cynic in me is

“Why didn’t the control tower tell the helicopter what to do instead of asking if they saw the plane,” he wrote in the post, adding, “This is a bad situation that looks like it should have been prevented. NOT GOOD!!!”

You’re describing MAGA underwear.

What? Am I the only person that jumps at the chance to go drive in that weather? If you avoid something that scares you, you’ll never be ready for it when you can’t avoid it. Learn to drive on snow, slush, and ice instead of hiding in your house and then acting like you got hit with a banana peel on Mario Kart every

Shorter: to be an asshole.

The old stereotype was “tapping” your taillight w/ the baton & saying “sir, you have a broken taillight”.

I think it is pretty clear at this point that the whole “I’ve got your back” bullshit thing for police officers and the like stops well short of many other issues for MAGA people.

I’m not sure if you missed the point entirely, or you’re being deliberately obtuse. Chinese tariffs aren’t the real story-though they have allowed Chinese manufacturers time to figure it all out.

Glad we cleared that up.  Had I gone onto Google I would have wound up on a list and cops would have busted down my door.

What a marvelous world we live in! When I was 28 we had to wait hours for a boobie picture to download and hope nobody picked up the phone while we were waiting.

It is.... and it isn’t. Every other day there’s another story about slave labor being found to have been making auto parts or otherwise being used against their will. China basically decided to remain a communist country but are super capitalistic when it comes to business. At the same time the way it treats and