Barry Land

Why would they make these right hand drive for them when our postal vehicles are right hand drive for a left hand drive country. 

It would be great if someone would properly look into Tony and his activities at Canoo. He’s been scamming investors to fund his lifestyle for years now. Whether its the family owned shell companies leasing his corporate jet back to Canoo for his own use, or the backroom deals to investment groups he owns a part of to

The Boys from Brazil.

I’m surprised he’s not overjoyed about having another reason to ignore them. “Sorry *insert ex-wife name* can’t see the kids. Surge pricing”.

It’s a half assed solution to an actual problem. Richie Rich here should be overjoyed that the streets are being cleared of the riff raff but he is a miser of Dickensian stature.

Yeah, it still doesn’t look dated to me.

It’s wild, but the Durango has pretty much consistently sold between 50 and 60,000 units a year since 2011, with the highest amount of 70,000 sold in (Checks notes) 2023.

I look forward to their inevitable looming extinction. In ten years, we’re going to look at them the way we look at Crystal Pepsi now.

All BMW’s with the god awful anus grill.  Or just redesign it. 


AND here I am stressing out trying to gather the required documents to get a “Real ID”, as if for some reason my drivers license is not real enough anymore.

Saw somebody trying this in Denver yesterday,  walked around the people and was probably on the plane before they hauled her off- as it was a flight to Canada I don’t know what she was hoping to do at the other end as I assume no passport or correct ID

Oh no! A tax evader! Burn him!

“Yes that is me, but I was already arrested for that,””

The Tesla Roadster looks better!  

Reagan promised wealth, abundance and a revitalization of the American dream (for some, anyway).

In California I wish they had it so many janky cars rolling around, crabbing, tyres at odd angles, cord showing, lights out.

Sounds like there should be bollards running across the length of the sidewalk facing the curve.

Most nations would have stuck a barrier, or redesigned the road, or just eminent domained the building after the the third crash at most.

Buying a fire sale priced Tesla is still supporting a fascist threat to our country's future.