Barry Land

Yet another TDI emissions-related scandal . . . .

The attacker, with his blocky form, cargo shorts and human thumb head shape, looks like an off duty cop. The only thing missing is the goatee. No wonder the cops can’t seem to find him.

I hope he does. Let the GOP tear itself apart. On the one hand, he says a lot of what they think. On the other, they’ll have to defend Kanye Fucking West. The cognitive dissonance will be delicious.

How do you get through kids birthday parties without alcohol? That sounds awful. 

I am with you in that I can’t stand seltzer/carbonated water, even if I do like carbonated drinks.  Especially something like LaCroix so called “flavored” water, like there is no flavor, just a scent.  Same thing with something like Hint, and I thought well maybe since I smoke my taste buds are off, which they

Oh look - we found the corporate bootlicker.

Yeesh.  I’d rather have Mike Richards host Wheel of Fortune than Seacrest.

Seacrest is just so smarmy.  Reminds me of a used car salesman, a really unscrupulous one, at that.  

Seacreast is one of those giant packs of paper towels you buy at Sam’s Club or Costco wrapped in a fancy suit.

At least Seacrest isn’t, as far as we know, a conservative climate change denier.

For some reason, John Michael Higgins’ talents are currently being wasted over at the Game Show Network on shows you’ve never heard of. If he wants to host something he deserves way better than that, but I never see his name suggested.

I hate Ryan Seacrest 

Norton would have been a fun choice for the US show!

Could they have picked a more boring choice than Ryan Seacrest?  Ugh.

Okay, NCAA, Department of Education and Department of Justice.  Time to finish the job.  SHUT THE PLACE DOWN NOW!

“Love: It’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru”

He did it backwards. He should have asked them to not shoot him. 

PSU again, wtf? Sandusky and now this guy.

Steam is the name of the dog you silly goose

I guess he’s going from Penn State to State Penn. 😝😝