Barry Land

Anytime I was feeling good that a repair had gone really right, I got a surprise at the end, and it was never good. The one that really was badly timed was when I was doing shocks on my ‘79 Trans Am. It was done, totally finished without a hitch. I had done it in my driveway and I was cleaning up and I somehow forgot

My long gone dog Gus would and did eat anything I tried to keep him from eating on stuff when he was a pup. Bitter stuff, hot stuff, some awful smelling stuff, the biggest reaction he would have is he would shake his head, and start right back on it. One of his favorites to chew up was toilet paper. I would see he had

I worked with someone, a scary smart kid, who got the bug for a new car as soon as he started making a decent amount of money. He wanted to get rid of grandma’s former Buick he had driven for 2 years ASAP. No credit history at all, he was 22 and never even had a gas card at the time he went to the Scion dealership

I actually knew someone like that. He hit a tree going about 50MPH, and was elected. He was a paraplegic for the rest of his life, but if he had been in the seat, the engine would have squashed him. But he’s the only one I know who could honestly claim that. My dad somehow survived with hardly a scratch when he passed

My cousin and his wife are totally sold on Subs, they each have an identical except for color Outback, and when one of them reaches 75K, it’s traded for a new one. I don’t hate them, but I just don’t get what’s so great about them. 

A late friend of mine would disagree strongly with you, if he was still around. He was on his third DCT and would have soon had it’s fourth, when he killed himself. And I don’t think the car’s problems (not sure what year Focus)had anything to do with his shooting himself. At least I hope not. It was his first new car

From parts that don’t fit, parts that are defective, tearing fingernails off, skewering myself from just behind my thumb to about an inch past my wrist bend with a manual choke cable, breaking tools late Sunday night back in the early 70's, to getting stung, to busting knuckles, I’ve pretty much had about every

This is the same lazy arrogance that has cops raiding homes where the guy they are looking for hasn’t lived for X number of years. If they just googled them, they would know where they live now. Close behind is when the person they are trying to arrest is already in jail. Ooops!

The comments his lawyer makes at the end of the article are pretty dead on correct, companies will spend a lot to minimize WC payouts. A friend of mine got hurt in a car wreck, non work related, and had severe back injuries. He tried to “tough it out” after the first surgery, but he was unable to work for a long time.

Like the exterior look fine, the wheels are lame though. The two tone seats are not something I want, I want it all in black. And for god’s sake, can the awful “destroyer gray”, whatever a manufacturer calls it, please go away? The worst “color” ever, IMHO.

That’s what I thought it meant at first!

Then they can keep them, or sell them to someone else. I might have been interested in a Santa Cruz, but not in any of those awful colors. When white is the best “color”, something is wrong. 

Awful ugly, and those color The interior isn’t horrible, but I hope a solid black or dark gray is available, the two tone is obnoxious. And the less said about those awful wheels the better. 

What is going on with Hyundai and their awful color choices?

You are being much too nice. He makes the shit bags look non-shitty.

Having experienced the joy of a stolen car (‘18 Challenger Scat Pack), I would just buy whatever you like and then make it very difficult to steal without getting caught. When I got my car back, I put a throttle lock out that requires my cell to be with the car to have any throttle response, Carlock, with a hidden, so

One of many things I hated about the Accord I rented for a month. The seats just sucked, the looks of it, the usual angry bug face, I just was so happy to get something else.

If I could get one of those leftover Challenger Scatpacks, and get a decent trade on my ‘18, I would probably do it. But the trade offered by several dealers to a friend of mine with a 50K miled SP was just a joke, so I will be fixing up my present car on the insurance of the clown that blew the light, got hit by a

When we caught anyone siphoning gas out of our cars in high school, it was probably too high a price to pay for “free gas”. My friend had filled his tank up with Sunoco 260 (69 Camaro z-28) which was a whopping $0.449 a gallon, and some senior took about half of it, but we caught him as he was pulling the hose out of

When I see prices like the above on these, I just laugh. I don’t see it at all, it’s almost, almost, as bad as the Gladiator. They are both severely overpriced, and at the point they are at, it’s just a hard pass. If I was crazy enough to buy something that expensive, it wouldn’t be those two vehicles for sure.