Barry Land

The WOW drove me crazy. A friend had a huge collection of 8 Track tapes and so they stuck around way longer than they should have, and it seemed like they just wouldn’t go away. I was in his car a lot, and I wanted to rip that crappy player out of the dash. He complained about my cassette deck hissing. Better it

When I lived in Las Vegas, and worked at a Hotel and Casino downtown, I was amazed at how many people seemed bent on getting into trouble due to the heat. Diabetics would leave their insulin at home a lot of the time, “I didn’t think I would need it!”. Yeah, sure. I had a woman so far out of it, she undressed in front

It’s weird how some things scare the crap out of some people, and others just kind of say, “whatever”. I’ve been at the bad end of a gun twice, once during a robbery of the gas station I worked at, and the second time I had a high on coke neighbor go off on me. Both times, I was more angry than scared, but the one

A friend of mine’s Charger Scat Pack got hit and totalled by a drunk, so he went to replace it with a pretty much identical car. Everything was going fine, then the add on crap started. The Mopar floormats with the logo on them? They wanted $470 for them, and were already in the car. You can buy the same ones online

I did this in December ‘74 in Toledo. I had just picked up my ‘74 Roadrunner and I drove the crap out of it, 800 miles in about 2 days, and the 3000 mile oil change (Actually, the dealer changed the oil at about 1000 miles when they fixed the dribbling oil plug) came pretty quickly, like at about 10 days after I

You have to ask, “WTF is wrong with Cheryl Hines?”

I’m embarrassed that my home state elected him. He gives off a creepvibe at a high level. Not Trump level, but a high level. My late mother would call him a “Puke Sandwich”. 

It was going on well before the 1980 election, but his admin expanded or accelerated the closings. When I started working in downtown Vegas in 1979, there were dozens of former California Mental Hospital patients wandering the streets. I saw their patient ID’s all the time. Some of them were so far out there due to

I know I’m an old guy and all that, but man, what happened to cars that don’t look like some sort of pissed off insect? The back is just as bad as the front of this mess. I’m sure it’s a fun enough car, but it’s time to go retro or something, anything is better than a lot of these cars. So many great looking old cars

In the old days, people like him would be put into a mental hospital. We as a country made a huge mistake closing most of the mental hospitals up in the later ‘70's. It created a fair percentage of homeless people, and basically let anyone who wasn’t physically violent deteriorate to a pretty sad level before doing

The people on the last street I used to live on fought at an almost insane level to keep streetlights and sidewalks off them. I’m talking to the point of the police telling some of them to “Calm it down” after a couple of the city council got threats from them. Hint: If you’re gonna threaten people, don’t call from

When will companies decide to link pay to some actual job performance? I worked at a place 30 years ago where they went into bankruptcy and the CEO got a big bonus every damn year. All he did was basically play golf, sometimes 3 times a day. His secretary used to put the current week’s schedule on his desk, and it was

When I worked at a downtown Las Vegas hotel/casino, we had a ton of clowns that would park and then cry about their cars being towed. We had a sheet with repeat offenders on it, and I would make sure I called the tow place wayyyyy out from the Fremont St area. If they were a first timer, I would call the company

I used to like the looks of the Corvette, but the C8 is just...butt ugly. As are almost anything Chevy currently sells. I saw a ‘70 Camaro and a ‘69/70 Chevelle SS this morning, and I thought, “Wow, has Chevy and GM lost their way!”. 54 years after they were made, they still look great. I wish I could live long enough

I would like to see ads on TV showing how common driving issues should be handled. I took a “defensive driving” class a couple of times in the past, required by whatever insurance company we had’s requirement. The number of people taking the course that didn’t know how a green arrow worked was jaw dropping! There

I don’t know if he is like me or not, but going to bed any earlier than about 430am, in my case, and his could well be 3 am or so,  is going to affect his sleep pattern negatively. Living as an extreme night owl and having any sort of job, even a night one, is going to be a compromise of sleep quality. I have refused

I’m kind of surprised that more people haven’t had a hot can of pop/soda explode on or near them. A long time ago, we had a picnic and in an old aluminum cooler was a can of 7UP that was left inside it after the ice had long melted. The cooler sat in the sun in Las Vegas in August in the bed of my pickup. I picked up

If you have a business that depends on a vehicle, especially a Tesla, you would be a buffoon not to have a backup. His first act of buffoonery was buying a Tesla CT in the first place. I had a guy doing snow removal for a parking lot back in the winter of ‘13-14. He had one vehicle, an F250, and the engine blew up and

A family friend who I spent many hours riding with him and his kids in their station wagons had a light show going on at night. Cobra Cam 88 tube CB radio mounted under the dash of the Ford Country Squire wagon. It had a lighted S meter, and channel selector. He had the dash lights up on maximum, and the dome light

My mother lived in a gated community with a lot of weird rules, the one that was ignored by a lot of the homeowners was the colors allowed when painting or building a house. In the ‘70's in Las Vegas, the MOB was still in control of a lot of hotels and unions, and to be honest, the police at some level. When a fairly