Barry Land

We call it “Grey Primer Pearlcoat” around here. My previous most hated color was F8 Green. I still hate F8, but not at near the level of DG. My one friend who was born in the old USSR says it reminds him of his childhood in whatever town they lived in, most everything was f’ing grey. 

When I got mine in ‘81, the catalytic converter was plugged solid, to the point that the car could not turn a tire. Holding the brake and punching it produced a sick “Squeak”, and off it went. I had spoken to Mondello Performance before buying it and was assured by Joe himself that the weak Olds 403 could be made into

I still miss my ‘79. Not my favorite looks wise, that front end is kinda silly looking, but it was a lot of fun, after I modded the crap out of it. It took about $3K of parts and about $1K of labor in 1981 to make it a 13 second car.

I remember in almost perfect detail the day my neighbor brought home his ‘68 Charger R/T. 440, 727, red, no vinyl top nonsense, just the white stripe around it’s ass, with a black interior. Perfect. He took a bunch of us for rides in it a few days after he got it.

Not taking into consideration how stupid looking it is, or all the problems people are having with it, but how and where is he charging it? I don’t know any apartment buildings, regardless of the rental costs, that has a charger on an outside parking area. If I wanted to buy an electric vehicle, I would have to rent a

I never knew the 4.6 was available in it. Oh well, it kept my Fordaphobia alive and well, even to this day. The Mustang is the only other Ford I ever considered buying, and I just have to admit, I never understood the styling of it, or almost any Ford made before the early 2000's. My favorites, looks wise, are almost

I don’t know if it was the same bridge, but I remember getting kind of tense going over some bridge down there about 35 years ago. Seeing the damn water was not a good thing for me at all. There was a really shitty looking old bridge next to the one I was on, and thinking, “This is the new one” was a help. I had to go

About 1980, I was at a multiscreen (Big Six?)Las Vegas drive in theatre, there was some movie playing on it’s last day and a friend was supposed to go, but couldn’t, so I went with my 2 dogs. I went to the snack bar and bathroom, and came out with goodies for me and Joe and Blackie. Suddenly, this drunk guy grabs me

I used to work with some old guy who said he was restoring an old pickup truck. I assumed he was talking about anything other than a Chevy LUV or a Ford Courier, or whatever the Mazda version was called. Nope, Chevy LUV, and he and his son would travel all over the country looking for parts trucks and in one case, one

The closest Ford ever got for me to buy something they made was when it was rumored there would be a Sport Trac with decent power. The one they did sell was gutless, IMHO, and when the rumors of the “big engine” started, I was very interested. When it came out there would be no “big engine”, I was done wanting a Sport

No, it looks better, but it’s a low bar to get over, as the manufacturers seem to be going out of their way to ugly up pickups.

A friend of mine was all jazzed to buy a Gladiator when they were first announced. First stop sign was the announced price. Then he finally saw one in person, and that was enough to end his wanting to buy one. I sat in one at the dealership and the price tag seemed about $10K too high to me, it just seems like a very

A friend of mine has one, and he likes it a lot. My main complaints about it is the awful color choices, his is white, which is, IMHO, the best color available. His sister has one and it’s that awful greenish grey. The lack of color choices has become some sort of mental illness in the industry. 50 years ago, there

I worked at a hotel/casino that was across the street from the Las Vegas bus station, and within easy walking distance of three rescue missions and a flophouse. We had stinky people in there all the time. Some were, like the guy who had rotten chicken bones in his hair most of the time, gag inducing, others were just

Mine had the “mighty” Mitsu 2.6 in it, and my main complaint about the thing in general was how damn slow it was. Even 3 of us and luggage caused it to be dangerous when merging onto a freeway. We were on a trip to S.Carolina in ‘86, and basically, we had no A/C anytime we were going uphill due to the engine being at

Worst I ever owned, a ‘77 Dodge “Macho” Power Wagon. 360 engine. Yellow and black. That yellow got me, I don’t know what else it was. Super slow when new, and problems from day one to 4 years later, when I had enough and dumped it. The first problem was electrical, the bulkhead connector that connected the engine

There’s a road locally that is 4 big lanes wide, with a center turn lane and it’s got a 35 MPH speed limit on it that is blatantly ignored. The street that crosses it is narrower, with a ton more traffic on it, and it’s got a 40 MPH limit, and it’s also ignored. Both of these roads would be at least 45 MPH as are all

My 2018 Challenger Scat Pack has a couple of really minor things that bug me. The first, and by far the worst, is the stupidly placed bottle holder in the door. If you are the right size, and I am, and have the seat in the right spot, and I do, the bulge for it hits you on the side of your calf. I solved it for the

I put a Hurst aluminum shifter handle into my ‘79 Trans Am. It was winter in Las Vegas. About April or so, I got into it after it had been sitting in the sun for several hours and I had HURST burned into my palm. I went over to Tandy Leather and had them make me a nice leather cover for it. Even then, it was