Barry Land

If Chocolate Chip goes away, it will be just another one of the many things that aren’t made anymore, or the “best” ones are gone. We were talking about that when I ate with a couple of friends recently, and the list got pretty long, and it kind of depressed us to think of all the great stuff that’s gone or you have

Kroger and Meijer are the two chains in the Toledo area. Meijer’s prices are quite a bit lower on most items. I buy frozen egg rolls and the price difference on a box of them is about a dollar. Same goes for the frozen White Castle sliders. Kroger’s wants $5.99 on sale, Meijer is 5.99 everyday, and $4.99 on sale.

IMHO, the show became much better as Sheldon was just another one of the cast and not the center of the show. He’s best at being the person the rest of them are reacting at various times than to be the main subject. The rest of the cast is more than able to keep it going without him.

I had a bunch of relatives who lived in AL. One of them was just a total dick to everyone around him, especially his kids. Like a lot of truly evil people, he lived to be 89. Reading his obit was like it was from a parallel universe. “Is this about the same Nick _____ we are related to?”

Just one more reason not to go to McD’s. I don’t really care all that much about the prices, yet, but they used to be my #1 pick for fast food, now they are almost last, only Rally’s and Sonic are below it, as far as chain places go. Between the fries not being nearly as great as they were, the buns taste “off”

Wow, I guess things are really different in PA. The biggest sex scandal I can recall involving a professor around here (NW Ohio)was when a local prof was caught getting a BJ from a student in some sort of campus restroom raid about 30 years ago. No sex for grades thing, it was apparently something that the prof did

I’ve had a Challenger since Nov of 2010. I still get compliments all the time, including last night at the Culver’s drive through. I’m know as the old guy in the red Challenger who tips. 

Five and a half years old now, my Challenger Scatpack has had one issue, the battery died when the last cold spell hit. That’s it. My last Challenger had a couple of minor issues, almost everything was covered by warranty even after the 3/36k was up, and was 7+ years old when I traded it for the present one. ‘08

I’ve never had a BMW loaner, but my parents had Cadillac, Olds, Chrysler, and Ford loaners. I’ve had Dodge, GMC, Chevy, Olds, and a Pontiac loaner, and I don’t remember any of them being so clean or new that a dog being inside one would have been a problem. Only one of them was a new car, a Ram 1500 Quad Cab with 11

I had a golf ball that I would have sworn was a bullet hitting my truck one time when I was passing a local golf course. It was LOUD and if I hadn’t seen the ball bounce away in my rear view mirror, I would have probably called 911. As it was, my heart was pounding like hell afterwards, and my truck had a nice ding in

I was 7 when this was shown, and my sister was 13. Every time they showed a closeup of Paul, my sister would sigh loudly, and our dad would chuckle and shake his head. Being the smart ass like I was, I would try to block her from seeing the screen every time Paul’s close ups came on. I got the crap beat out of me, she

I’ve made the Nathan’s Jumbo Cut Fries many many times (They don’t seem to be around here anymore), and they’ve never come out anywhere near as dark as the ones pictured did. I like them fine, and would put them over the LW fries, which are mid pack, at best. The best ones ever were the garlic and parsley fries they

I like unsalted peanuts in the shell better than the salted ones at this point, but when it comes to PB, Crunchy Jif rules the world. I tried to get to actually like the unsalted freshly ground PB a store nearby made, but it just didn’t happen. One taste of a Jif PB sandwich (I’m not a PBJ fan at all) and all was good

Both would be “wreck” movies I want to see. Especially the Jerry Lewis masterpiece. I love bad movies, and both seem to be sure bets.

Toaster Strudel showed what even a junk pastry could be, so?

I liked the idea of PT’s just fine, Toaster Strudel’s were much better for sure, but I admit, I’m one picky SOB. I know two people who make me seem like a foodie in comparison. One guy eats almost nothing but white stuff, or stuff that was originally white, like mashed potatoes and french fries. The other guy can’t

Hopefully, the movie won’t be as lame as Pop-Tarts have been for all these years. I can’t remember being more disappointed at trying some food I would have liked at lot, if it had been done well. Nothing about PT’s are well done. 

I haven’t had a couple of the ones in this list, but IMHO, the best of the ones I’ve tried have been the Donkey chips. The Tostitos are amazingly blah. As a plain eater, a chip has to live and die by itself, without help from some gross (My opinion is it’s always gross) dip/sauce. But over any tortilla chips I’ve ever

I always thought it was the filter, because I don’t think I’ve ever seen a slow pump with an old looking hose on it, and a few times, I’ve been one of the first customers after they replaced the hose assembly after some dope drives off with the nozzle stuck in his filler pipe. I had a slow one recently that was on a

Wendy’s wants me to eat there in the morning? Easy, just make, you know...