Peter Leung

Seriously, we need to talk about how crazy modern P1 cars are.

One of those was actually with a potato. An iPotato 4 with a busted screen, to be exact. (What?! It only just recently broke!) I was planning on texting pics over before I realized there was a stream!

Now playing

Super GT. Where a CR-Z is cool, a Prius is even cooler, the NSX is real and the racing is stuff unlike any other.

After yesterday’s failure, Ferdinand von Zeppelin said that the Hindenburg landed fine, but because of excess static electricity, it experienced a rapid oxidation event once it was being tethered down.

After yesterday’s failure, Elon Musk said that Falcon landed fine, but because of excess velocity, it tipped over once the stage rocket touched down.

Where have I seen this before....

Onslaught of emo tweets? Kimi be like...

My (very long) thoughts on this. I do hope you'll read them.

Since I'm biased, and I know a V8 can be made to fit, and it comes in around 2200lbs.

Screw minivans.

The Blake Rong cameo..

I spy Blake!