
i never understood why people never understand why people like things.

Welcome to everywhere, more like. In America it's totally cool to kill hundreds and thousands of people, but everyone freaks out when something as savage as a nipple streaks across the screen.

After a bit it sounds like they're saying banana machine.

Yes, I know it was mislabeled as FF3 in US, but that's no reason to call it that. Everyone should know by now that it's FF6.

To be honest, this is what I use pirating for. If they release it on a new console, I'll happily buy it, but if they dont' see a reason to have any way from me to give them money for it, then I'll emulate it without a shred of guilt.

Not only the best in the series, but arguably one of the best RPGs ever made.

Well I can't drive around the entire map in real life because I'd need an ass ton of fuel and real life's map is huge.

I live in a moderately sized town in England. So no.

Correct use of the word is "know". "I didn't know it was out on PC. I didn't know it would come out for Steam."

People who pay $9 for this are morons. Plain and simple. No "because they want to" or "because they have money" arguments can save them.

Tired of this shit.
At first it was mildly amusing, but after seeing it on every site and all over the social media feeds, I'm really over it.

Just think of all the studs you could collect at the red wedding! :D

Only a real sucker would pay for "innovation" with their consumer rights.

They still need to remove the Kinect as a requirement and lower the price by $100.

Neither of which apply to your comment unless it is a cutting expression and/or a cynical remark. Neither apply, so don't throw some ridiculous shit you got off of at me, it's embarrassing.

i give the vine vid a BLURGH for camerawork, a CLANK for content, and a SHAMANA SHAMANA HIIIEEEYYYY for entertainment.

VII is far and awe most overrated game of all time. Horrible.

Hasn't VII had the most fan pleasing things out there?
FF VII is technically it's own series now, they even got a movie. I'm pretty sure they are the most catered to out of any of the other FF games.
The fanboys/girls are just never happy. You can't even like another FF game more without being called a "hater" or being

I liked all three... but i still think 6 is a better game.

"The gay joke in Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon is harmless. Or is it?"