YOU DON'T SAY!???!?!?!?
Maybe you should help your mom more in the kitchen*... HOOOOOOOO
I'm curious what japan thinks of the western gamers thoughts. Can someone from japan elaborate? Not just on this game but other games like this that offers fan service to the max.
I thought to myself that it's unfortunate it comes out at February 7... then I remembered I live in Europe. Then I remembered I already bought it and didn't open the box yet.
The person on the left is Pat's mom, Pat is one of the dynamic duo of Two Best Friends Play series on youtube.
No... It's not true... NOOOOOOOOOO
G-Dragon is not amused?
I was surprised when I found out America had 7-11's
Remove the marvel characters and reuse the Capcom characters assets like mvc2 did with marvel vs Capcom. Tweak or add things with the existing characters and add new Capcom characters. Call the game Capcom Super Stars. Capcom has a buttload of potential fighters:
Asura from Asura's Wrath
Magician from Dragons Dogma (rpg…
The expression I want to see when if I ask my girlfriend if she wants to do it through the rear entrance.
Dicks are veiny when erect!
I will make love to that plot.
I can fap to this!
How can they look alike if eyes aren't real?
In a vanilla milkshake is a favorite of mine.
People die on black friday. I have never heard of annual sale where people die everytime. Sure you can argue America is huge and deaths are bound to happen. The most of the world associates with Black Friday with a giant mass of Americans frantically buying stuff. It's not the greatest impression.
Nope, murricans
But the high is... colossal.