It’s a doctorate in metaphysics from the Universal Life Church. So now I’m a real fake doc!
My first husband wasn't very bright. It's never a good idea to cheat on a wife that works for a government agency known for its expertise in spying. Third generation in the same line of work to boot.
If you just want to look out for yourself and take the easy way out, go ahead with the divorce, but if it's someone you actually care about and want to be with, seek professional help first.
If she's beating him up (emotionally or physically) and he's terrified of her, why in pluperfect hell should he stick around?
He's been hurt past the point of endurance; telling him he needs to stick around longer and suck it up until his wife stops abusing him is just cruel. Being in a marriage isn't a license to be…
Seriously? You think leaving an abusive relationship and getting a divorce is "the easy way out"? You are a) an asshole and b) not helping.
LW may not want to pursue a divorce and that's OK. At the very least I'd STRONGLY suggest a trial separation. LW, you've tried to take care of her and so far have experienced…
In Dragon Age: Origin you could click on an object and your character would walk over to it to interact. They removed this in Dragon Age: Inquisition and you now have to already stand at interaction distance before you can interact.
I've seen a fair amount, and I haven't been looking for it at all. I view Gamergate as gaming's Benghazi - it alleges a scandal that has no basis in reality, and even if there was a basis, it would be a very poor scandal (it wouldn't matter at all) but instead of being about what it claims to be about it is simply a…
You can sound reasonable and level headed and still spout crap and half truths. When the first three of their 'literally who's' are female, and not even female game journalists, and when they remain silent about actual companies doing actual skeevy shit, like giving out review codes for games to youtube players for…
YouTube had to disable comments on Anita Sarkeesian's Colbert appearance because of a concerted effort to discredit her and humiliate her with downvotes and accusations. The 8chan thread where this plan originated included comments ranging from out and out hate speech to overly dramatic calls to flood all related…
Go to Felicia Day's post about Gamergate and look at the comments. Go to any post where someone says "uh, death threats because someone criticizes your game or gives a bad review really guys?" and look at the comments. Go look at the screenshots of people on 4chan explicitly planning to cause trouble in the name of…
Gamergate's only real defense is the logical fallacy that anyone who does things that makes them look bad is not a "real" Gamergater; even though their movement has no leader and is built on the idea that anyone who supports their basic ideals is a Gamergater. So any proof someone offers you will be shouted down with…
It was born in unpleasantness, as has been said over and over. Anyone who's not hateful has had some serious mental gymnastics to do when trying to explain why they stand alongside such a blatantly nasty group.
If that's your experience, go visit KiA and politely express a dissenting opinion. I do that now and then, just show up and say my piece without any name-calling or smearing... usually what I do is point out, when they start in talking about how slutty Zoe Quinn is or how Jewy Anita Sarkeesian looks, that saying…
GamerGate is deliberately set up to operate without transparancy and accountability, so terrible things happen, but it's fallacious to assume that they're all terrible people. The main problem with GamerGate is that it seeks to use political power to regulate discussion of games, and for that reason should be opposed,…
It's difficult to argue that GG's stated mission is legitimate when it began with a false conspiracy that targeted a specific woman; when the sole contributions of the movement are not exposing poor ethics in journalism, but harassing women out of their homes. If GG is not about harassment, then it is merely a failed…
If that's your experience, I'm surprised. You may not really be looking. Take a look at Zoe Quinn's Twitter mentions, or FemFreq's, or Glenn Fleichmann's, or virtually any other indie dev. You'll see how ugly it gets.
I AM in the industry, and a woman.
I have seen sexism first hand, although I've also worked at places where there was none of it. I've seen talented decade experience + women passed by for a dude who can draw huge boobs despite the writer stating he was trying to go for strong female characters that are relatable.